“Praise the Lord
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise Him!” -{Psalm 147:1}
“Praise the LORD.” The LORD is the Object for their praise. He is their reason for their joy and their song. Some commentators believe this is after the Babylonian exile. They had endured exile for many years, suffering and now He had delivered them and brought them back to the land. And their hearts erupts in “Praise!” The word “Praise” is the Hebrew word, “Halal” which means to “Boast, brag, praise.” The word “Hallelujah” comes from this. Halal meaning to boast, praise and “Jah”{Yah} the word “Yahwah,” the self existing One, LORD! And their praise of Him is accompanied by songs of praise. And the Psalmist says such praising of God is…”good…pleasant…fitting.” In Psalm 135:3, we read something similar, “Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; Sing praises to His name, for it is lovely. ” He is good, His name is lovely, praise Him, sing praises to His Name! The word “Sing” is the Hebrew word, “Zamar,” which is used for the striking of the fingers, the playing of a musical instrument. And it is a verb. Using musical instruments in accompanying songs of praise to Him. To celebrate in song and music!
The word used here for God is “Elohim,” ” the Mighty One, Supreme One,”which is the first name used in Genesis 1 “In the beginning God…” He is the One who began it all, creating the heavens and the earth, separating the light from the darkness, water from dry land, night from day! It is used thirty two times in Genesis 1! To get a high view of God we need to see Him for who He is and how He is revealed in the Scriptures, praying that the LORD would “…open our mind to understand the Scriptures.”-{Luke 24:45}. Read Genesis 1 and look up the twenty two times “Elohim” is used. The “Mighty One, Supreme One,” Powerful, Sovereign God! Boast in Him, Praise Him, sing songs of praise to Him. Let Him be the focus of our bragging, and heaven knows we do enough of bragging on things that are futile. Like sitting in a darkened cave worshiping the light of a match and outside is the glorious sun!
Here is an amazing truth, the God who created, names the stars in all His Greatness {v4}… in Gentleness heals the Broken hearted. His Powerful Hand to Create is also His tender hand that Heals! PRAISE HIM!
TWO NAMES for you to Contemplate and Celebrate…
The name “Yahwah”- The “Self-Existent One, I Am that I Am!” -{Exodus 3:14}, is worthy to be praised. The name “Elohim” contains the idea of Creative Power, authority, Sovereignty. And we pray to Him and here the people praise Him and sing songs of praise to Him, who is worthy! Praise HIM! Celebrate Him, it is “good, pleasant and fitting,” because it is His will for us and He is worthy!
The Psalmist praises and sings the Praises of the LORD GOD, for His ACTIONS, in Three areas in this Psalm. And it is Good, Pleasant {delightful}, Fitting…for us to do likewise, Praise and sing His praises for…
- Creation and Preserving the heavens and the earth
- Healing the Brokenhearted
- His Word
“Praise the LORD,” is a command and a verb, it is not optional but a command to continually boast, praise HIM, it is Good, Pleasant, fitting…keep praising and singing His praises !
“Praise the Lord
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise Him!” -{Psalm 147:1}