August 5 Our radio Ministry “PROCLAIMING HIM” {click link to listen}- Proclaiming Him with Aidan McKenzie
“Proclaiming Him” began on six different radio stations, consisting of fifteen-minute messages and three-minute messages, for a total of sixty six times a week. We are so thankful for the LORD opening this door of opportunity.
I had been praying and praying for an open door and all as I could see was obstacles since, I am basically wheelchair bound. As I thought of how would I get on a plane to walk down an isle to a set or I thought of how to get into a vehicle such as a truck if someone picked me up at an airport or steps… All these were “Obstacles” But I didn’t see radio as an option. Never thought of it ” But GOD…” after I had been thinking of the “obstacles” an hour or so later the phone rang with a dear friend saying he wanted to put me on the radio, My initial thought was once a week, and how difficult that would be for me to study due to my illness and then how much? And he continued that to put me on five days a week and that he would pay until such time as or if the resources came in from god’s people to support it. While I was looking at “Obstacles” God was making a way for an Opportunity. It reminded me of John 6:1-6 where Jesus told the disciples to feed the multitudes, the first disciple looked at the situation and He saw the Obstacle namely, that eight months wages would not be enough to feed and so he concluded – it can’t be done. The second disciple was a bit more optimistic it appears he said there was a lad there with a few fish and loves but then the “Obstacle” as he said “What is that for so many?” He concluded it can’t be done.”They both looked at the situation and concluded it can’t be done but note they EXCLUDED Jesus from the situation! And in verse six it says “He TESTED them for He Himself knew what HE WAS GOING TO DO!” While I was desiring to go but seeing “Obstacles” God was working in the heart of someone else to grant my desire just not the way I thought. I thought maybe I could travel occasionally and share, “But God… “was going to grant my desire but sharing sixty six times a week in various cities, in a way that I could not get to physically but He would open through radio! Obstacles are not to Him but Opportunities for Him!
Someone invested their lives in me sharing, caring and over the years allowing me to study, traveling, speaking, someone record my messages, placed on this website and now two dear men editing them to place on radio, having moved on the heart of a dear brother and wife…and now to reach out further than my physical limitations allow! A “But God” story!
The program, times can be found on WILKINS RADIO – {Hit the link} Proclaiming Him with Aidan McKenzie
and also you can listen to the messages live stream online and also they are preserved so you can listen to past or upcoming messages each week.
Would you consider praying for this ministry as His Word goes forth that hungrey souls would be met by Him?
We are so blessed and excited to come alongside Romans Sendriks as he spends a year with Reconciliation Ministries Inc. on a voluntary basis. Romans has graduated from Seminary and studies on Biblical counselling which he is presently using to help people.
He also is assisting us with editing our radio messages as he continues to disciple people and speaking at various venues as the LORD opens up doors for him. Below is Romans testimony which I hope will be a great encouragement to you.
“My testimony of saving faith in Jesus Christ by God’s grace alone can be described using the following two Bible passages: Psalm 27:10 and Romans 1:16–17. I use these two Bible passages to tell how God the Father took me into His family by using the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ to change my life and encourage me to live by my faith in Him.
I was raised in various orphanages in Latvia since infancy. My journey through early childhood and teen years before I met Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord was very lonely, dark, and depressive. It was so dark and lonely that between the ages of 13 and 16, I tried to commit suicide five times but miserably failed. I did not realize that God was behind all these dark scenes and did not allow me to commit suicide until I started to read the Scripture (New Testament), through which I came to my senses that Jesus Christ can fill the void, forgive my sins, can give me eternal life, and be my best friend. Jesus Christ gave me the meaning of my life and hope.
God started to draw me to Himself at the age of ten, but at that time, I was clueless about why Jesus Christ would have to die on the cross. At age ten, I fell in love with reading the New Testament’s four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and yet, at the same time, I did not understand the reason for Christ’s earthly ministry and His death on the cross until six years later, when I was transferred to another orphanage in Latvia, where things started to get worse before I got saved. During one of the summer breaks, at one of the Christian family’s houses, I started to read the Bible, particularly the New Testament. The Holy Spirit used the Gospel of Matthew 6 to spark my interest in God’s saving grace, the forgiveness of my sins, and eternal life. By the time I got to the middle of the New Testament, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to show my sinfulness, guilt, and shame despite my being a victim of circumstances (I did not choose to be an orphan). The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see that Jesus Christ can forgive my sins. Therefore, He came to the earth, lived a perfect holy life, and died for my sins on the cross. At this time, the reason for Christ’s death on the cross made sense. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see my helpless state before the holy God and Christ’s atoning death for my sins and to Christ’s everlasting friendship and a bright, eternal future in Him.
Jesus Christ gave me a sense of purpose in life. Because of Him, I am in the United States, can pursue three master’s degrees related to Scripture, and can serve Him in ways He has enabled me. Despite being told in the orphanages that I was stupid and would never amount to anything, the kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ enabled me to learn English and receive three master’s degrees (Master of Arts in Christian Ministry from North Greenville University, in 2015, Master of Divinity from The Master’s Seminary in 2020, and Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling from The Master’s University in 2023). All things are possible with God.”
– Romans
We want to be an avenue through which those who wish to support him can do so through our ministry. which is a 501c – non profit, so any gifts are tax deductible. Like us Romans has depended upon the LORD to meet his needs and can testify for all these years how he has experienced His faithfulness through His people.
If you would like to send a gift to Romans you may do so through this website. Go to the DONATE page and just make a note that it is for Romans
or through mail; Reconciliation Ministries Inc. PO Box 4052, Greenville, SC 29608, USA. and just make a note that it is for Romans and a 100 percent of what is given will be passed on to him so he can continue spreading the Name and fame of our LORD Jesus Christ.
God Bless, And thank you for co laboring with us.
We hope this website will be an encouragement to you and continued motivation to Live for the LORD Jesus Christ, the lover of your soul!
Aidan McKenzie