In the midst of troubles note the Psalmist as he looks back on what He has learned of the LORD and sees his faithfulness and reason to trust and hope, place His confidence in Him presently in his old age to meet him as he contemplates His intimate involvement and faithfulness to him from birth-{v5}, youth-{vv 3,17} or old age-{vv9,18}. He has a HIS STORY in present times of trouble to strengthen him inwardly to continue to pursue Him and make Him known. Psalm 71:18 is a prayer I had prayed many years ago amidst some difficult times with illness…
Despite the difficulties the Psalmist was experiencing note his focus, and desire, and prayer here…
” Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare Your power to the next generation, Your mighty acts to all who are to come.”–{v 18}
19 Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens, you who have done great things. Who is like you, God?”-{Psalm 71:19}
Note his use of the word “CONTINUALLY” … This was his choice… his habit, that he had begun at some stage and built up a habit in his life, even when troubles would seek to divert his attention, like a snow plow through deep snow he plowed away, clearing a path to keep the road drivable.., paving a course through it.., He plowed through troubles as he had developed a Godly response ad was consistent in …3 AREAS… based on what He knew of the LORD in History and the history of his own life from birth through youth to old age...
- He was purposeful, persistent, and focused on the LORD as the word “CONTINUALLY…” shows in the verses below...“CONTINUALLY…”
“Be to me a rock of habitation to which I CONTINUALLY COME.” -(v3)
“ By You I have been sustained since my birth; You are He who took me from my mother’s womb; my PRAISE is CONTINUALLY of YOU.”-(v6)
“But as for me I will HOPE CONTINUALLY and I will praise You yet more and more.”-( v14)
In the midst of his troubles which he does not deny he chooses “CONTINUALLY,” to PRAY, PRAISE, and HOPE, in the LORD!
LORD Help us to “Continually “ choose to turn to You, Trust You, Hope in You, and Tell others of You that they too may “CONTINUALLY” PRAY, PRAISE, and HOPE in the LORD!
What is the motivation to do so? The LORD! Who He is and has been revealed to us in His Word. And our history from birth to youth to old age to those who have reached that stage we see His faithfulness.No, not trouble-free lives but even through the troubles whether they have been self-generated or that of others we can say “hitherto the LORD has been my help…” and we can continue in our pursuit to make Him known…
Whatever stage of age you are in your life this Psalm can be of great encouragement to strengthen you so that in the midst of trouble you can know and learn and relearn that He is faithful and amidst the troubles by His grace depending upon Him fill your mind with his Word to help see things from His Word, the Word of Truth… and develop the mindset to “CONTINUALLY PRAY….CONTINUALLY PRAISE… CONTINUALLY HOPE… IN THE LORD… AND USE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES TO CONTINUE TO SHARE OF HIM TO YOUR GENERATION AND TO YOUNGER MEMBERS COMING BEHIND YOU!
“Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare Your power to the next generation, Your mighty acts to all who are to come.”–{v 18}
19 Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens, you who have done great things. Who is like you, God?”-{Psalm 71:19}
The Elderly Man’s motto could have been,
“TALK To the LORD, TRUST the LORD, TELL others of the LORD!”
“Contemplate His Faithfulness in your life. Ask Him to remind you
READ PSALM 71 and Note what it says about the LORD, His Character, and Works… to allow the Spirit of God to encourage your heart and to Pray Praise, and Hope in Him!
God bless