GOD at times does not keep us from Difficulties though He can but uses them to DISPLAY HIMSELF for the Good Of Others and His Excellence! To live as though GOD is “Obligated” to keep you from Difficulties is to have a FALSE CONCEPT of God and the purpose of our existence which is His glory, “This people whom I have Created for MY GLORY”- {Is 43:7}.
Read and consider God in action in the Testimony to HIMSELF in the lives of these people below…. Each of them had a “T-E-S-T” AND EACH had a Testimony. Consider The…
- TESTIMONY From The DEN- {Daniel 6:17-28}
- TESTIMONY From The FURNACE- { Dan 3:13-30}
- TESTIMONY Amidst FIERY TRIALS- { 1 Pet 1-3-10,3:15-17}
- TESTIMONY With A PAINFUL “THORN”- {2 Cor 12:7-12}
- TESTIMONY From The CROSS – {Matt 27:46,54:28:5-8,16; 1 Cor 15:5-6}}
- TESTIMONY From FAILURE TO RESTORATION AND SERVICE-{ Matthew 25:31-35; Luke 24:54-62;Mark 16:17; John 21:15-17}
Your “-T-E-S-T” is The Beginning of a Testimony…
Watch for Him,…
Pray that Others may Benefit…
Your “T-E-S-T” IS NOT meaningless. futile, or a waste, it has A DIVINE Purpose…it can be the beginning of a “TESTIMONY” From God to Others Through…YOU!
* But what If I have sinned and failed you may ask. Be encouraged His Blood cleanses from “all unrighteousness” and He “works all things {including our sin and failures, ignorance} together for good to those who love Him and are the called” – {Read 1 John 1;9; Rom 8:28-29}. So you can “TESTIFY” TO HIS GRACE, mercy and a new beginning to start again!
Your “t-e-s-t” can be the beginning of a “TESTIMONY” From God to Others Through…YOU!
A Four-Letter Word, “Test, ”that can have eternal Consequences, benefit for others and you and His Glory placed on display…. it comes through a “T-E-S-T” and ends with a “TESTIMONY!”
God Bless,