Today while entering hospital offices, a doorman asked how was I, as a matter of courtesy. I replied, “Praising the LORD” and shared a verse. With that in excitement and a beaming smile, he responded with the verse from Romans 8:1 of “NO CONDEMNATION…” How wonderfully true. It did not ease my pain, or cure my incurable diseases, but did lift my spirit. Below are some thoughts on the wonderful promise…”NO CONDEMNATION IN CHRIST JESUS!”

Hope you will take time and be encouraged and in turn praise Him and look to share the hope of this verse with others… here we go…


What a glorious promise is found in Romans 8:1 for you. The chapter begins with “no condemnation,” and ends with “No Separation” from His Love, and in between the Power of the Holy Spirit in the believer to progressively change us and enable us to live this new life and also His enabling and assistance when we need prayers!-{Read Romans 8:26}

There are great words or phrases we need to understand in order to know, revel and be secure in this Promise for us in verse 1: “Therefore”; “no condemnation”; “now”; and, “in Christ Jesus.”


Speaks of explanation with what is to come.


How marvelous this word “NOW,” is. “Now” there is no longer any reason to be offering the blood of sacrificial animals to satisfy God for my sins!

At the time of your surrendering your life to Jesus Christ trusting Him entirely and exclusively you have been “adopted” into His family and from that moment and all the seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, and years of your life this word, this powerful gracious word,“NOW,” is in operation. As long as it is “now” there is no condemnation for you. Never will God treat you as a criminal but as one of His prized children and for you He declares, He promises “NOW” no condemnation for you as “NOW” you are in Christ. “NOW” you are completely wholly “…accepted in the Beloved”-{Read Ephesians 1:6; Romans 1:6} “NOW” as far as the east is from the west HE HAS REMOVED YOUR INIQUITIES FOR HIS SAKE, and your sins and iniquities He will never hold against you to extract payment as He did that in His Son for you. “NOW” you are free In Christ. All charges against you have been paid in full by the LORD Jesus. It is “NOW” time to celebrate the LORD.

“But for this very reason I was shown mercy, so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His perfect patience as an example to those who would believe in Him for eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.”- {1 Timothy 1:16-17}

3. – “NO,”

The word “NO” is emphatic, not now, not ever, eternally impossible! His “No” means that and is backed up by Him. HIS Promise! It is not a word of probation, that at some time it will change but it is a word of certainty, it will never change. Take hope in that when the evil one accuses, and condemns when you sin, you can stand on this glorious promise, word for word, phrase for phrase, and as yours “In Christ” is gloriously true for you! How do you know? God says so!


The word,”condemnation,” refers not just to the verdict but the sentence that is to be carried out as a consequence.

“In Adam, we all stand before God as guilty and condemned to eternal punishment (Rom 5:16, 18). We’re on death row, awaiting the execution of the guilty verdict that has been passed. If we died in that condition, we would pass into eternal separation from God, the second death. But since Christ bore the punishment that we deserved, in Him, we are set free so that we stand before God justified and acquitted, with all charges dismissed.”-{Steven Cole}. “…Now No CONDEMNATION,” Because of what He has done.”Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.”- {Rom 5:1 NLT}


This is an exclusive promise. It is not for everyone as is shown by the phrase,”In Christ Jesus.” All who have fled to God and placed their trust entirely and exclusively in the LORD Jesus, we read, “For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves,”- {Col 1;13}. A Transaction in the Spiritual realm has happened, moving from one sphere to another. Just like a football{soccer} player is transferred from one team to another. He has a new authority, a new “Boss,” Leader… a new team, a new allegiance. But God has not just changed the team we are on but our heart to love Him, empowered by His Spirit IN WHOM WE ARE ALSO “SEALED” WITH, WHICH SPEAKS OF SECURITY, Ownership. -{Read Eph 1:13}. It is not a love of Perfection but of affection, a change in direction!

As Noah and his family were safe, and secure in the Ark against God’s judgment, so too are we in our Spiritual Shelter the LORD Jesus! The only thing that mattered the day God judged the world was, “Were you on the Ark?” If not you perished! You could have said you believed God would judge the world but the fact you were not on the ark showed you did not truly believe otherwise you would have committed yourself to the ark for safety by fleeing to the ark for shelter from His wrath!

God has made a Promise and He does not lie-{Read Jude 1:2}

  • “The unbeliever has his judgment day before him, but the believer in Christ has his judgment day behind him” (Marcus Rainsford,).

And He declares you, presently and forever are not subject to His condemnation! It is utterly impossible because by God’s doing He has placed you “In Christ!”

And That is His Promise to you!-

God bless
