But his delight is in the law of the LordAnd in His law he meditates day and night.”

“The word “meditation” in Hebrew means basically to speak or to mutter. When this is done in the heart it is called musing or meditation. So meditating on the Word of God day and night means to speak to yourself the Word of God day and night and to speak to yourself about it.”- {John Piper}

We have so “programmed” ourselves to follow a “program”- …such as, “you need to have a quiet time, read the Word, pray…” and then when you have done “the time,”- you are “free!”  We often seek to “get through” and check off a list rather than coming to seek and know a Person! How we rob ourselves of opportunities to know Him and commune with Him. The Psalmist did not “confine” God to a “formula,” or a “set time.” But “all the time,” was a time to “meditate” on God and the things of God. We fail to see that we can relate to the LORD -all the time! He can refresh us, encourage us, instruct us, warn us, restore us, reveal Himself through His Word, through The Holy Spirit illuminating it to us. There was and is no time that it is “off limits!” When we follow a “formula” and  then to our surprise often wonder why we are so ‘dry?’ We walk with a “system” a “program” and not a Person-the Shepherd!

  • Sometimes less TV, social media and more time thinking on truth will cause your soul to dance with delight in Him, His ways, His will!

  • Don’t become dull but follow the pattern of the “Blessed one ” in Psalm 1:2.

  • Don’t dull your spiritual senses which will affect your everyday living.

The battle is for your mind!

The truth of God’s Word produce “delight”- sheer joy to those who feed their soul and faith with it’s spiritual nourishment, refreshment, insight and who are DOERS of what the Word says!

Think about what occupies your thinking.


Perhaps you need to develop a new pattern to aid you in thinking through the lens of Scriptures. Write this verse out on a 3 by 5 card and carry with you and when you have opportunity, read it and think word by word, phrase by phrase commit to memory and doing it.

  • Think about what you think about!

  • Don’t Count sheep- Talk to the good Shepherd

  • Replace the sheep with the Scriptures!

PRAY this verse for others they would be people who delight in the law of the Lord and in it meditate on it day and night, that they know Him better, His ways, His mind, His heart and receive their counsel from Him and do His Word out of love and appreciation to Him! To the one who does, they are characterized by great delight, joy, satisfaction, and invigoration!

Focus on what He calls you to Focus on, He won’t lead you astray!