” Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! “-{Phil 4:4.}

These words were  written from a prison to encourage and strengthen the listeners.They were not some sentimental flowery words that would be of no benefit in “real life.” They are IMPERATIVE to embrace and exercise and they begin with the hearers at Philippi and  us aligning ourselves up with God’s Word.  Joy is a gift of God and maintained through obedience to His Word. It is not to be confused with human happiness, which though at times there can be wonderful  times of laughter, they are but fleeting, the “happiness” is often attached to materialism, moods and circumstances that we deem favorable. Many people are like a cork tossed about on waves, no stability clinging, clutching, desperately searching in all the wrong places for the Joy that only comes from a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ which He imparts through His Spirit.  Rejoicing is Anchored through our faith activated in the Person and truth concerning our new position “In Christ.”

Rejoicing- is  gladness, delight and the realm is in a Relationship “in the LORD.” that is independent upon favorable circumstances but dependent upon a Relationship with Him. It is supernatural delight, gifted by His Spirit {Gal 5:22} and empowered to obey the command {Phil 2:13} and as we choose to delight in Him, Joy is the result. It is based on Truth. Whom He is- “LORD” Sovereign King in whom all things are under His control and all end up at HIS feet where every knee shall bow and tongue confess Jesus Christ is LORD to the Glory of God the Father.”

Someone wrote…”Rejoicing in the Lord, then, is a matter of…Reconciliation (Phil. 4:2-5), Prayer (Phil. 4:6-7), Proper Meditation (Phil. 4:8), and imitation of what is Right (Phil. 4:9). Unnecessary conflict with brethren keeps us from true rejoicing. Lack of prayer and the wrong kind of thinking will keep us from rejoicing in the Lord as we ought. Do our thoughts, prayers, and actions demonstrate that we place our utmost confidence in God’s power and goodness?”
 1. –  Rejoicing is a command, it is never optional. God commands, God enables His people to have the ability to obey. He commands for our safety , our spiritual stability among other benefits.{Read Phil 3:1 note the word “safeguard.} The way it is written in the Greek is ,”Keep on rejoicing.”- It is a mind set. An Attitude to be adopted, empowered by the Holy Spirit. It is something we are to do. It is something God enables us as we choose to obey Him, by faith in Him and HIS Word.

 2.- The sphere is “In The Lord”– To “delight, be glad, rejoice,” in who He is, His character, Promises, Person. He is the Lord God, Creator, Savior, Redeemer, Resurrected One, Ascended One, Gracious, Strong, Righteous Judge, Mighty to save, deliver, sustain, Compassionate, Holy, Immortal. King, Loving, Perfect, Personal, Affectionate, Forgiving, Sin Bearer,Triumphant over sin, death, satan. He alone is Sovereign. {Read Philippians and make a list in each chapter of whom the Scripture reveals Him as and you will have something of who He is and “fuel” for your faith and “Rejoicing” in Him!

 3. – Rejoicing in the Lord is what keeps the morale up- and if it is not, then we must begin to speak the truth to ourselves concerning Him. Life at times can be disheartening, thoughts of anxiety and fear shot at you like “fiery darts” to your mind as Ephesians 6 paints the onslaught against our minds. To dwell on these thoughts can lead to deep despair. Indeed”anxiety in the heart leads to depression”-Prov 12:25… yet notice the verse goes on to say,“But a good word makes the heart GLAD.” MORALE is key to living in this life, it is not “positive thinking” but thinking on the truth{See Phil 4;8} letting our mind “dwell” …living there. “He whose mind is set on Him is kept in perfect peace because he trusts in Him.” A good study on how to develop a Christian mind is to read Philippians chapter 2-4 and underline the words that refer to the mind, like attitude, thought, think etc.

 4. – “ALWAYS”– He is the source of our joy and satisfaction, and at all times we can find reason in Him, even through the heartbreaks, hurts, to find reason”In The Lord” to be glad. He is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother,… we know all things work out together for good to those who love Him …. He is able to save to the uttermost… He is faithful… He has loved you with an everlasting love… the blood of Jesus cleanses from ALL unrighteousness… there is therefore NOW no condemnation for those who are “In Christ Jesus,”… I will never no never leave nor forsake you… I Am with you always… be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the Lord KNOWING your labor is not in vain.”

5. Rejoicing In The Lord- is a choice, one choice at a time…


Rejoicing is A gift Of The Holy Spirit- The fruit of His control {Gal 5:22}

Rejoice because in obedience to this command you express love to Him {See John 14:21}

Rejoice IN THE PERSON – Rejoicing in the Lord keeps the morale up in difficult times.

Rejoice in the LORD- “Always,”…It is a choice to be made, one circumstance, one thought at a time because-He is Worthy.