You are part of  God’s “New Creation”-{ Read 2 Cor 5:15-18.}  There is Something there that was never there before! It is not a new renovation, but a New creation, that God has brought into being. The outside, the way you look is the same outwardly but inwardly you are not the same as who you once were. You have newness of life within you! And as a result your life is being changed in the way you think, the choices you make and you have a new identity. You are known by the way you are choosing to live and it is evident and a testimony to others. Jesus put it this way,“By this all men will know you are My Disciples by Your Love for one another”-{John 13:34-35}.  Love the believers; Love your enemies; Love all.

You are Different…. This is what differentiates you from othersYou Love people!  It is said of a woman by Jesus, She LOVED much because she was forgiven much.” Indeed just as God in Christ has forgiven us so we should forgive… A NEW PERSON, WITH A NEW IDENTITY, Marked by Loving other people! This is who you are.



Love is an action. Love denies self, preferring others for their highest good, seeking or demanding nothing in return but their highest good for Jesus sake! If there are two people in a room, you are to seek the highest good for the other person. Do not seek to be served but to serve…  “For Jesus sake.”- {2 Cor 4:5}.


Keep choosing to love people for Jesus sake, by thinking right, renewing your mind to align with His Word. -{Rom 12:2}. Rejecting the old thought patterns and denying yourself and preferring others for Jesus sake!{Red 2 Cor 4:5}

1. As a follower of the LORD Jesus, you can love, sacrificially, unconditionally, consistently, through adopting God’s mind from the Scripture depending on the power of the Holy Spirit through denying yourself and preferring others one choice at a time, for their highest good, for Jesus sake!

2. As a follower of the LORD Jesus, you can ABOUND in love. Paul prayed, “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment…”- {Phil 1:9}. Paul does not say, “start loving,” for they already were, but he wants them to “ABOUND STILL MORE AND MORE…” to increase in love, Overflowing like a river that overflows the banks, and cannot be contained, but rises higher and higher eventually overflows into surrounding fields. Increase more and more in living the life of Love

3. As a follower of the LORD Jesus, you can love, because of…

New Birth – {1 Peter 1:3}

New Power – {2 Peter 1:3-4}

New Motive – { 2 Cor 4:5}

New Pattern – {1 Cor 16:14}

New Person – {John 13:34-35}


“For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for Him and how you have SHOWN YOUR LOVE TO HIM BY caring for other believers, as you still do.”-{Heb 6:10 NLT} –

This is what differentiates you… you LOVE People!


Thank God for The New Birth. Meditate, Memorize These five aspects and seek to share them with someone to encourage them!