“If God forgives us, we must forgive others. Otherwise it is almost like SETTING UP OURSELVES AS A HIGHER TRIBUNAL…”- CS Lewis


“Lord how many times should I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times? Jesus answered not seven times but seventy seven times,” – {Matthew 18:21-22}.

“Forgiving each other, just as Christ in God forgave you.” {Ephesians 4:32}


Un-forgiveness  is an absence of love for God and others.

It is a refusal to obey God.

For the child of God it is a deliberate defiance to His revealed will.

It is to discard Him, despise His Sacrifice and cling instead to hatred.


  • Un-forgiveness is a choice.

  • It is to willfully refuse to release someone from an offense against you.

  • It is to reflect a loveless heart.

  • It is ungodly.

  • It is a desire to be in control.

  • It seeks to punish people.

  • It is vindictive.

  • It is evil.

  • Un-forgiveness is sin against Jesus Christ and needs to be repented of immediately.

  Biblical Forgiveness is a command from God.

It is a choice. It is a Promise to release the person from the offense and never hold it against them to manipulate, punish, gossip about or hold over them.

Christians are commanded to forgive.

Christians have the power to forgive.


It gets down to a choice; A choice of either Love for self or love for the Savior. Love chooses to forgive.


It is motivated by God’s forgiveness of you… “Be continually forgiving just as God in Christ has forgiven you.”- Ephesians 4:28

“The Christian can always afford to forgive and can never afford not to!” -{anonymous}.


 “If God forgives us, we must forgive others. Otherwise it is almost like SETTING UP OURSELVES AS A HIGHER TRIBUNAL…”- CS Lewis