…When difficulties arise or when they seem to linger longer than we want, at times we can be tempted or CHOOSE to yield to the temptation and lose heart, lose hope. Maybe that has been the habit throughout our Christian lives to respond as we did before Christ and have carried over that mindset from the old life into our Christian life. It’s a Habit, Difficulties come and we immediately give way to despair. Thank God, we can change. We do have a choice, we do have new Power to change and cultivate new God honoring HABITS!

It begins with our thinking “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Paul wrote -{Rom 12:2}. We do that by reading His Word, thinking on His Word, meditating and applying it, otherwise we “deceive” ourselves! -{James 1:22}.

The information of His Word is meant to bring about transformation and this happens with application!

When TEMPTED to Lose HEART… Stop, THINK, if you embrace the thought will it lead you TO the LORD or AWAY FROM the LORD?

Trust the LORD with your heart, Remind yourself He is Sovereign King and is Good. He is for you-{Rom 8:31}; You are not alone in your difficulty.{Heb 13:5} It is not about “feeling His presence” but knowing based on His Word He is present! That takes faith in His Word to be and do what He promises. So often we can seek to live by “feelings” and base “reality” and “truth” on what we “feel,” rather than what He DECLARES in His unchanging perfect Word!-{Read Psalm 19:7-10}

He is permanently Present with you, and is working all things- including this thing you are going through for your spiritual and eternal good! -{Rom 8:28-29}.Trust Him with the temptations to your your heart, and trust Him with all of your heart, and stop leaning to your own understanding or you will lose heart and spiral down into despair and hopelessness. Instead acknowledge Him for who He is and let His Word be your guide and Govern your thoughts, motives, steps, and see Him change your life from the inside out!

And part of that is…

1. RECOGNIZING one of the purpose Of the “fiery dart’s” thought is to your mind to tempt you to lose heart is to lead you DOUBT God, His Word, and lead you to DESPAIR as a result!

2. REJECT such thoughts that seek to tempt you to lose heart and…

3. REPLACE With The Promises of God.

4. REJOICE in His Care for you, and…

5. REPEAT every time a thought comes to seek to dishearten you…for it is not from the LORD…REJOICE IN HIM!

Strengthen your heart by thinking on truth about who He is, His promises, who you are “In Christ” and what you have. The Holy Spirit whom the LORD has gifted to you will teach you, give you understanding and make much of the LORD Jesus to you. The wonderful thing for the  follower of the LORD Jesus  unlike reading a book by an author whom you have never met , is that the Author of the Bible, lives within you to explain, enlighten, empower you and exalt the LORD to you!

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”-{John 14:26}. “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He {The LORD Jesus} explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself.”-{Luke 24:27}. “Then He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.“-{Luke 24:45}.”One of them was Lydia from Thyatira, a merchant of expensive purple cloth, who worshiped God. As she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart, and she accepted what Paul was saying.”-{Acts 16:14.}. “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.”-{Philippians 2:13 nlt}.

Trusting the LORD in the difficult place by applying His Word is part of your spiritual maturing, growing up, learning, at times relearning to apply His Word to your situation…it is a hard fight at times, for we are in a spiritual battle, the temptation to divert from the LORD and His Word. So, the temptation comes for your mind, to tempt you to doubt God and turn away from Him, doubt His Word and lean to our own understanding and dishonor Him in doing so. And when we do such we are saying with our attitudes and actions say He cannot be trusted. So the attack ultimately is on His character…. and the accusation is that in your difficulties HE CANNOT BE TRUSTED. LIES, LIES, LIES….

But even in the temptation it can be worked for good as we CHOOSE to REALIZE we no longer have to live in the OLD HABITS but we are free in Christ and can by the power of the Holy SPIRIT Strengthening us and working “IN” us develop new Habits, Godly responses when the temptation to lose heart comes! -{Read Phil 2:13}

You have the power to choose His way and form New Godly Habits that Honor Him in your difficulties!-{Read 2 Peter 1:3-4} 🙂

Be encouraged!