“…Christ Jesus, who is our hope,”-{1 Timothy 1:1}

Jesus Christ is the believer’s Hope! Our Hope is not in a place, a formula, or possessions, but in a Person- Jesus Christ! Hope is “confident expectation.” It is the hope of certainty not of chance! Hope is… Jesus Christ!

Jesus Christ is my Hope of ACCEPTANCE with God-{Eph 1:6}

Jesus Christ is my Hope of BLESSINGS -{Eph 1:3}

Jesus Christ is my Hope of COMPASSION -{Heb 4:15}

Jesus Christ is my Hope of DELIVERANCE -{ Matt 1:21}

Jesus Christ is my Hope of ETERNAL SECURITY -{1 Peter 1:5}

Jesus Christ is my Hope of FORGIVENESS -{Col 2:13}

Jesus Christ is my Hope of GRACE -{2 Cor 12;9}

Jesus Christ is my Hope of HELP -{Heb 4:16}

Jesus Christ is my Hope of JUSTIFICATION -{Rom 5:9}

Jesus Christ is my Hope of POWER-{2 Peter 1:3}

Jesus Christ is my Hope of MERCY -{Eph 2:4}

Jesus Christ is the believers Hope. The word Hope means “confident expectation.” It is the certainty in eternal realities. It is “CONFIDENT EXPECTATION”in Him because of who He is and what He promises He fulfills in His time, always!

But what about a non believer? There is hope for you too, In Jesus Christ, the blessed assurance that “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”-{Romans 15:13}.

In light of Christ who is our Hope, Pause and Thank Him, Praise Him. Go back over the references above and read each one and thank Him for each aspect mentioned, knowing that Thanksgiving GLORIFIES Him {Read Luke 17:17} and is DOING the will of God-{1 Thess 5:17-18}.

Use the above verses as fuel for your praise and fuel for your faith as you think and trust in HIM who is our HOPE!