The next time you are down and troubled and may “feel”- “All these things are against me”-{Gen 42:36}, don’t end there, for there is where despair begins, hope is quenched, the future is unthinkable and quitting is your constant thought …

Remember God is working in the background and He is working all things, the painful things, the misunderstanding things, the things that weight heavy on your mind, He “is working ALL THINGS for good!” Even your sin and mine and that of others against you!-{Read Rom 8:28}. End with Him not the problem, but He who is Pre-Eminent over all! Indeed look at the circumstance, and humanly speaking, it may not feel good or look good, “But God…” is working it all for good to make us like His dear Son… Always end with Him. Indeed when the thought arises of hopelessness, defeat when despair would seek to grab your thought life and lead you down into a dark hole of despair, raise up the shield of faith and use the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. and remind yourself of Him…finish your THINKING with HIM.

You may have to battle with your thoughts and emotions and like David you may be tempted to despair but look at his “BUT GOD…” moment when he uses the word, “unless,” “Surely I would have despaired…UNLESS I BELIEVED to SEE the Goodness of the LORD in the land of the living” {Psalm 27:13}. He knew he could not but spiral down into the depths of despair, if he related and relied on himself. What saved him from despair? He “… believed to see “… “…the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” He ended with the LORD!

“ALL things are against me… “BUT GOD…,”   “… WORKS ALL THINGS FOR GOOD to those who love Him and are the called…!”

Know, that this too, whatever you are facing He will cause to work out for good in the conforming you to the image of His Son.


Because He said He would! And HE knows you love Him…! -{Read Rom 8:28-29}

End With… Him!