-(Psalm 40:4-5)
“How BLESSED is the
man who has made the Lord his trust,
And has not turned to the proud, nor to those who lapse into falsehood.
Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which You have done,
And Your thoughts toward us;
There is none to compare with You. If I would declare and speak of them,They would be
too numerous to count..”- (Psalm 40:4-5)
“Blessed!” It is an Exclamation and the word as in Psalm 1:1 means,“oh the happiness’s …” {plural}…Contentment,… is the person who is characterized by what he is about to say in the following verse …TRUST;
Truly Happy and Content is the person …
1.- Who Does trust the LORD
Truly Happy and Content is the person who …
2.- Does not turn to place their trust in the proud for help, deliverance, in time of trouble!
Truly Happy and Content is the person who …
3.- Does not turn to place their trust in those who lie, for help, deliverance, in time of trouble
Truly Happy and Content is the person who…
4. – THINKS Right about God and His Wonders…
** Forsaking other confidences such as the “proud,” and those who “lapse into falsehood,” is part of making the LORD one’s trust! The “Proud” are idolaters as their trust is in themselves ultimately! Those who “lapse into falsehood,” deal in deceit, they have no spiritual integrity, as opposed to trusting Him who is Truth and His Word! BUT they choose and make the LORD their trust in time of trouble. -{v 4}. This one is the happy one! Oh the happiness’s {plural}of the person who has made the LORD their trust, is how it can be written!
And to flame their faith in Him, the psalmist in v5 recalls …
“Many, O Lord my God, are the Wonders which You have done,
And Your thoughts toward us;
There is none to compare with You.
If I would declare and speak of them,
They would be too numerous to count..”- ( psalm 40:4-5)
IN TIMES OF TROUBLE he chooses to …
2. THINK Rightly on the LORD
3. Refuses to yield to the temptation to TURN …FROM… the LORD… TO… trust the proud and the liar!
In times of Testing the temptation is there for all of us to TURN to trust anything or anyone who can help and deliver us. Our faith is being tested. it is a fork in the rad for us to choose. A Crisis of faith. But the Psalmist gives us clear guidance in the hard place to TRUST THE LORD…And to THINK on His many wonders which He has done. Recall them as the old song says “Count your many blessings, see what God has done, count your many blessings name them one by one…”He flames His faith by recalling the wonders of God and indeed the more he THINKS the more he realizes His Wonders are so many he could not mention them all. Here we see the Psalmist occupy his MIND ON… The LORD..,and His works. In times of testing our mind has to go somewhere. At times our thoughts can dart back and forth, covering a multiple of possibilities … Many temptations that divert us from taking Him at His Word…and it is at such times we need to lay hold of truth to spiritually, emotionally stabilize us… In the time of testing ..it is as Psalm 1:2 says to “delight” and “meditate” on the Word day and night, so we may know His Will and allow it to influence our THINKING so we may act accordingly !Are you in a hard place? Tempted to TURN from the LORD to seek help from the proud or those whom lying offer their services? Hold fast to Him! Follow the Psalmist path and TRUST and THINK on the LORD… Ask Him to help you recall His Wonders from His Word as fuel for your faith in Him, considering the wonders of His creation and from your own life of what He has done because of who He is -… Note the psalmist relationship , ” MY GOD…!”Truly happy is this one “… who has made the Lord his trust, And has not turned to the proud, nor to those who lapse into falsehood.”
Happy People Are Trusting people, but not just anything or anyone, but they are those who choose to Trust the LORD! And the time of testing and temptation affords us opportunity to draw closer to Him. The Opportunity to Think on His Word and meditate to influence our faith in Him.
What we THINK influences what we DO! Wrong Thinking, Wrong Choices! His WORD is Given to help RENEW our thinking so we may THINK RIGHT {Read Phil 4:8} and DO RIGHT -{Read Phil 4:9} in order to do His Will. The safest place for you in time of testing is to TRUST THE LORD. The TEMPTATION is to seek to TEMPT you to TURN ASIDE and find someone else to trust, namely, the PROUD and the LIAR as revealed in v 4. Choices have to be made, whom you will trust. The LORD or someone else? Ultimately you trust the one you know loves you. His Cross is the evidence of His Love for you!
And as the Psalmist says, even in times of testing and temptation this person can be and is characterized by happiness’s and contentment for their hope is in the LORD! And considering the “many wonders” which He has done and thoughts towards YOU!
“OH THE HAPPINESS’S,” of the one who Trusts the LORD!