May His JOY Strengthen you -{Neh 8:10}
May His PEACE Guard your heart and Mind -{Phil 4:7}
May His LOVE comfort and strengthen you to rest, trust, testify to Him as you live confidently, humbly and dependently in Him -{John 15:9}
May His HOPE fill and influence you -{Rom 15:13}
May His WISDOM guide you-{James 1:5}
May CHRIST Himself who is Lord, Love, Life, Liberty, bless you with Himself this day, encourage and strengthen you… to Know You are not alone. He is with you, for you.-{Heb 13:5;Rom 8:31}… And you can, “… DO all things through Christ who Infuses me with strength… and as your day so shall your strength be…”-{Phil 4:13; Deut 33;25}.

Confide in Him, Cry out to Him, find Comfort in Him, “This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in Him….” -{Psalm 118:24}
Celebrate Him…

Can you Pray the above for yourself and someone else?
RE READ and put the person’s name in the place of “YOU…YOUR…ME” and pray for the person’s specifically…

I woke up feeling Sick this morning and to try and get my mind on the Lord, I used the above thoughts to try pray for other people using the above verses to form and guide my thinking,requests for others.It didn’t change my sickness,but it did help me get involved in the lives of others, though they do not know. But…He Knows, He Cares, He is able to answer Prayers, effortlessly, lovingly, abundantly… {Read 1 John 5:14-15; Matt 6:6}

We don’t know much about Epaphras but we do know what God desires us to know, that “…He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.”-{Col 4:12}. HE HAD INFLUENCE…Through PRAYER! You too can have a part to play in someone’s life. Though like Epaphras, miles may distance you from the person or persons, but with God there is no distance that hinders His hearing you, answering you… {1 Peter 3:12}.

You be encouraged… you keep praying… He is faithful!
Keep Praying… 🙂