BE THANKFUL FOR THE WORD OF CHRIST– which produces a song in the heart – 3:16
- The Word of Christ can “change you”- Col 1:5-6
- The Word of Christ; will “free you up”-John 8:32
- The Word of Christ will “Build you up”-Acts 20:23
- The Word of Christ will “Wise you up”- Heb 5:13-14
- The Word of Christ will “equip” you to be sufficient to help others- Col 3:16
- The Word of Christ- “reveals” Jesus Christ “to you”-Luke 24:27, 45
Give thanks continually for “the Word of Christ” which produces a “song in your heart unto the Lord!” His Word producing Joy, delight, satisfaction!
Based on the above verses, you can Turn those Thoughts of Truth into a Prayer of Thanksgiving to God! “Thank You LORD, for Your Word which is able to save, free up, build up, Wise up, equip, reveal Jesus Christ, and produce Joy…Thank You!”
In Thanking Him specifically for those aspects mentioned above of His Word you have not only glorified Him seven times but have done the “will of God, In Christ.” Which is “in everything give thanks!” -{Read 1 Thess 5:116-18 }. How we too often make glorifying God so, so, difficult and mystical when His Word reveals how we can practically do so, and one way is the giving Him…Thanks! {Read Luke 17;17-19}