DECLARATION OF FAITH- We all have them! Things we believe, what we believe about God, what we think about and say about ourselves. We may not verbalize them but our beliefs influence our behavior and often declare what we truly believe! At times we encounter thoughts coming to mind, some that are poisonous thoughts from the evil one to dishearten us and dishonor Him if embraced. We too often listen to these thoughts instead of combatting them through speaking the Truth to ourselves. So let’s start off with a new habit to be developed, speaking truth to ourselves, some affirmation to what we Choose to believe based on Scriptural truth…
I choose to believe that…God is good and He works all things together for good to those who love Him and are the called. Things may not “feel” good, it may not “look” good, but He promises that all things work out together for good …And the good? To conform me to the image of Christ- {Romans 8:28-29}.
I choose to believe that the Blood of Jesus continually cleanses me from all unrighteousness- because He says so- {1John 1:7,9}
I choose to believe there is No condemnation for me – now or ever- In Christ- {Rom 8:1-2}
I Choose to believe I can cast every care that bothers, troubles me on Him because He cares for Me- {1 Peter 5:7}
I choose to believe I can do all things through Christ who infuses me with strength to – abase, abound, be content with Him, because He says I can- {Phil 4:11-13}
I choose to believe my circumstances can work out to advance the Gospel- {Phil 1:12-14}
I choose to believe He will never ever leave nor forsake me- {Heb 13:5}
I choose to believe I am more than a conqueror in Christ. I need not submit to thoughts of fear, worry, despair when the evil one seeks to tempt me with these evil weapons to my thought life.- {Romans 8:37}
I choose to believe when my heart is “overwhelmed” He leads me to the Rock which is higher than me.- {Psalm 61:2-3}
I choose to believe God gives wisdom when I ask- {James 1:5}
I choose to believe God hears me and answers prayers, according to His will, for His Glory -{ Psalm 34:6,John 15:7-9; 1 John 5:14}
I choose to believe I am “accepted in the Beloved” based on His performance not mine – {Eph 1:6}
I choose to believe I am who He says I am- “chosen- holy- beloved’- {Col 3:12-13}
“…for I know Him [and I am personally acquainted with Him] whom I have believed [with absolute trust and confidence in Him and in the truth of His deity], and I am persuaded [beyond any doubt] that He is able to guard that which I have entrusted to Him until that day [when I stand before Him].”-{2 Tim 1:12 Amplified Bible}
THINK On Him- THINK on truth- Refute the lies with His Word- TRUTH.
SPEAK these or such Scriptural truths to Yourself to strengthen your faith, to combat lies of the evil one by thinking on Truth, – Develop your DECLARATION OF FAITH!
- At times it will be a battle against what you may “feel,” “see,” but base it on what He says, His Word Is the foundation and focus of YOUR BELIEFS, and at times you may have to speak out loud to encourage yourself, honor Him by not saying anything other than what is true and honors Him.
READ– The above Scriptures that are referenced above. You can read them and allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen and build up your faith as you do. Take one verse and meditate, memorize, and apply to your thought life this week. For God has chosen for us to renew our minds to align with His thinking through His Word-{Read Rom 12:2; Phil 4:8; Col 3:1-2}. Application to TRUTH TRANSFORMS us!
TESTIFY to others of Him and remind others of Him and why we can Choose To Believe… Him!
Your Declaration of Faith;
I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE I AM WHO He says I am and Only who He says I am, and have what He says I have...
God Bless.