If you don’t “feel” forgiven does that nullify the cross and working of the Lord Jesus?

If you don’t “feel” loved by God, does that mean He lies in His Word when He says, He so loved you that He gave His Son for you? -{Read John 3;16;1 John 3:16; Gal 2:20}.

If you don’t “feel” accepted by God, does that mean you are not, when He says you are “accepted in the Beloved.”-{Read Eph 1:6; Rom 1:7}.

Do you live by your “Feelings,” as the ultimate authority or by Faith in Him and what He declares in His Word?

If we depend on ourselves and not His Word, our “thinking” will be faulty and our “feelings,” will dictate what we do as we will lean to our own understanding which HE Forbids and instead says to”Trust in the LORD with all of your heart.”-{Prov 3:5-6} Paul told the Philippians, “Whatever is true…think on these things,”-{Phil 4:8}…”do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”-{Read Rom 12:2.}. The Holy Spirit uses Truth to transform us when we submit to it. He uses His Word to see things from His perspective and stabilize us, and mature us in the faith! -{Read James 1:2-3} With the Psalmist we pray, “Open my eyes that I might SEE Wonderful things from Your Word.”– {Psalm 119:18}.

“Feelings” change, they are unreliable when it comes to eternal certainties, but

  • “Your Word is forever, LORD; it is firmly established in heaven.“-{Psalm 119:89}
  • “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the Word of our God stands forever.“-{Isaiah 40:8}.

“In Christ,” You are “Forgiven, You are Loved, You are Accepted.” Trust His Word, it is Unchanging as is He-“I the LORD do not change,”-{Malachi 3:6}.

Renew your mind, with His Word as the ultimate authority and let it examine your feelings to see if they are in alignment with His Word, if not, DON’T relay upon them as the guide, to govern your thinking and guide your life. “Renew your mind,” by the power of His Word then you will know what is the good, acceptable well pleasing will of God.- {Read Rom 12:23}

The one who builds upon His WORD, IS COMPARED TO A Wise man, The one who chooses not is compared to a “foolish,” person! The difference is what you choose to build the foundation of your life on.  The Solid Rick which is His Word or “sand” which is anything else, which has no eternal foundation, security, and when the storms come it does not stand, but is destroyed, as it is had no firm foundation! It is Either- Or! Who you trust will be evident upon what you build the thinking, motivation and deeds of your life!

Don’t trust Your “Feelings,” They can constantly change and if not governed and influenced His Word, can be deceptive, destructive.


Trust His Unchangeable Word! – 😀