The word, “Temptation” {Peirasmos} is morally neutral. It can also be translated “Trials.” It all depends on the context. But in 1 Cor 10:13, it is speaking of a solicitation to evil- to sin against God. But the First thing to Notice is that it is not unique to you! You are Not The Only One on the planet who is so tempted in a specific area!
Often you may “feel” no one else has gone through this or been tempted with this but you-Not so! Others may wrongly believe, “How could YOU be a Christian and have thoughts like this?” as though being a Christ follower somehow safeguards you from an evil foe who injects thoughts to seek to divert us from loving God and others and turn us inward and away from the reality we are in a Spiritual Battle -{Read Eph 6:10-18}. Our LORD Jesus was “Tempted” to turn aside, and the evil one’s goal was that Jesus would fall down and worship him! –{Read Matt 4:9}. Temptation is to seek you and me to yield to it by CHOICE and bow and worship the evil one by accepting his terms, his offering of the specific temptation and by choosing it we choose to reject God, His Way as revealed in His Word, and worship what the evil one offers! – {Read Matt 4:2-10}
But be encouraged- when temptation comes and it will- note it is always specific as the passage says by using the word “THE” temptation
A. – But Know that the temptation you face is not unique to you, others have and are and will go through the same exact temptation… Others understand, they too have been tempted in the same specific area as you or me!
B.- It should build up a healthy distrust of self that you need the LORD to meet you and exercise faith in following His Word in dealing with it as you lean on Him and not on self-reliance but God dependency.-{Read 2 Cor 1:9}
C. – Also, it should lead to a deeper compassion towards others who are being tempted to be able to walk with them, encourage them and point them to the power God has supplied to them that they need not submit to it and bow down and worship the one behind the temptation to sin.-{Read 1 Thess 5:14; 2 Peter 1:3-4; Phil 2:13, 4:13; 1 Cor 10:13}. To have and express empathy, compassion towards others is Christlike. -{Read Hebrews 2:18; 4:14-15; Gal 6:1}
D.– To State The Obvious- Temptations Are To Be Expected! This passage 1 Cor 10:1-13 and others such as Matt 4:4-10, James 1:14 teach so!
E. – Temptation is a Test of Loyalty, to either self, satan or the LORD Jesus! The choice reveals our allegiance of heart at that moment!
F.– Temptation is Seductive. It appeals to something within you that attracts you, appeals to you, but like a shiny bait which appeals to a fish underneath is a hook, seeking its destruction, so with your temptation, for your destruction and God’s dishonor! –{Read James 1:14}
So, for today think on this truth from the passage,
The Specific Temptation You experience …
- IT IS NOT UNIQUE TO YOU- others have and are experience the same Temptation.
- Don’t Believe the lie that no one understands or the fact you are experiencing this temptation means there is something wrong with you or that you do not belong to the LORD, or that somehow you are “backslidden” or must not be right with the LORD the fact you are being… tempted! This are LIES… and also a Temptation to doubt… God and His saving Power and Doubt His WORD IS TRUE AS HE CLEARLY speaks about Temptation being a part of a believer’s life as recorded in 1 Cor 10:13
HIDE THIS VERSE IN YOUR HEART; Read, re-read, throughout the day for the next seven days and before you know it you will have memorized it and the Holy Spirit can recall to encourage you and also to aid…OTHERS… when they too are tempted to sin against God! Meditate and Memorize this verse. Oh yea, another temptation you will experience, and probably just now is that “You just can’t memorize…” LIE… You can! Or another Lie is you don’t have time or You don’t need to have His Word in you, just keep leaning to your own understanding- appealing to self sufficiency, an appeal to – you don’t need God. Where does that LIE come from? A Temptation to divorce yourself from dependence upon God!
Read and re-read this verse and He will bring it back when you need it. Once it has gone into your mind He is well able to recall to you. Temptation can be subtle but its goal is to rob you and dishonor God if yielded to. Place the verse on a bathroom mirror or on your phone, somewhere you can see it and be reminded and focus your THINKING On TRUTH and Truth does what? ” if you continue in My Word… then you will know the TRUTH and the Truth will SET YOU FREE…” Not Free from temptation but Free to know how to deal with it and that “Temptation” is not ABNORMAL but NORMAL in the Christian’s Experience… and God has made Provision for you and just as He responded to it by saying “It is written…it is written… ” {Read Matt 4:4-10}
He refers to the Word of TRUTH to combat and overcome the temptation and not be overcome by temptation. Follow His Lead!
So today think on this when Tempted in whatever area…
“No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.”-{1 Cor 10:13}
Temptation is not an indication something is wrong with you but the reality you are in a Spiritual Battle and God has given you His Word to show you how to Overcome it and not be overcome by it and the first truth to realize from this passage is…. IT IS NOT UNIQUE TO YOU!
Have a Great Day, – 🙂