is NOT to draw me closer to God.
Is NOT that I might Know God more intimately.
is NOT to cause me to Love God more affectionately and wholeheartedly.
is NOT to cause me to Love Others more sacrificially.
Is NOT that I may rely on and Trust God with all of our heart.
Is NOT that I Glorify God as my end.
It offers me a way that is NOT God’s Way…Is Not for God’s Glory or my good.
Yielding to Temptation is sin and its goal is to offend God.
Yielding to Temptation robs us of Peace.
Yielding to Temptation robs us of Joy.
Yielding to Temptation robs us of Dignity.
Yielding to Temptation is sin.
Yielding to Temptation dishonors God.
Temptation comes from WITHOUT– demonic- as Jesus teaches in Matthew 4:1-11.
Temptation comes from WITHIN as James 1:14-15 teaches.
- Temptation comes from WITHOUT seeking to APPEAL to something that is WITHIN!
God Bless