Prayer; With Perseverence-{Ephesiasn 6:18}
“With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view,be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints,”
“Perseverance (proskarteresis from pros = direction – toward + kartereo = be strong, steadfast, firm) means to continue to do something with intense effort with the possible implication of doing so despite difficulties. Proskarteresis pictures one’s devotion to the task, keeping on it, persisting in it, being earnest towards (pros) it. It describes an obstinate persistence, a keeping on task with devotion, a continuing with intense effort, a steadfast attention toward (in Eph 6:18 toward) praying, a giving of unremitting care toward praying, a continuation all the time in a place, a spirit which does not faint, a constant diligence toward praying, assiduous attention toward praying.-{preceptaustin commentaries}
Perseverance, persistence, means to be “devoted,” constantly to it, not giving up when you don’t see the answer you want, in the time you want! The verb form of this Greek word translated “perseverance” is often linked with prayer as seen in these verses below. Note the words in the verses below,“continually devoting… persisting… continue steadfastly…” all used to speak of “Perseverance,”in their various translations that give us a picture of the word.
” These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.”-{Acts 1:14}
“They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”{Acts 2:42}
“But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”-{Acts 6:4 NAS} – “But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.”-{Acts 6:6 KJV}
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, persistent in prayer.“-{Rom 12:12 Berean Study Bible}
“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.”-{Col 4:2 ESV}…“Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;”-{Col 4:2-NASB}
To “persevere” in prayer is to continually, steadfastly, persistently, devotedly , single-mindedly,continue on even in the face of opposition from an evil cruel foe!
This is the third time in Ephesians Paul has said “Stand Firm,” -{ Ephesians 6:11; 6:13} and it emphasizes the need to be immovable steadfastness even in the face of a relentless, evil, fierce, ruthless enemy.
“Stand firm (histemi) means literally to support oneself on the feet in an erect position. It means to take up or maintain a specified position or posture. In context it conveys the idea of digging in (the Roman sandals had spikes for this purpose). From a practical standpoint one stands firm by living the obedient, Scripture–dominated, Spirit–empowered life – the Spirit in such a state is not quenched or grieved and strengthens the obedient believer to stand firm. The greatest weapon we have in warfare is not what we say to the devil but how we live the ”Christ life”. Obey, surrender, submit for this is your greatest weapon. It’s not binding but it’s bowing, saying ”yes” to Jesus and committing to do His Word…at the moment He says it…then at that moment you become a fortress against the devil. Paul like a military general barks out a command to the troops of saints to stand firm. The aorist imperative conveys a sense of urgency. Do it now! Don’t delay! The active voice means that we must make the choice to stand firm. God gives us the want to and the enablement but He won’t force us to choose to stand.
We must live in light of the fact that just as much as “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life,” so it is true that “Satan hates you and has a terrible plan for your life” – we do have an enemy who wishes us nothing but evil.
Using the metaphor of a battle, in the military sense to stand firm meant to hold a watch post or to stand and hold a critical position on a battlefield while under attack! “-{preceptaustin comentraies}
“Verse 18 is strictly speaking not a command, but two participles, praying and staying alert, which are dependent on the imperative stand at the beginning of verse 14 (F. F. Bruce, The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians [Eerdmans], p. 411). So the idea is, “Stand firm by praying and by staying alert…the word in Greek is a participle, which is dependent on the command, “Stand firm” (6:14). Paul is saying, “Stand firm against the enemy by being alert to persevere and pray for all the saints.” -{Stephen Cole}.
PRAY; The word is the most common word for prayer in the New Testament and speaks of intimacy as used in John 1:1 “with”-” face to face,” and adoration, worship.
PETITIONS; speaks of supplication which is praying with an urgent request, exclusively to God, to meet a need!
Potential Outlines;
Note the word “ALL” is mentioned 4 Times,
1. – Knowingly, – Because you can, you have a foe, to oppose you. “But God,” has given us the victory in His Son and we have the ability to “stand firm,” be alert and pray for all His people!
2. – Consistently,- “…at all times...”
3. – Variety – “all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, “- Using the various types of prayers in your arsenal.
4. – Persistently – “Alert…with Perseverance“
5. – Specifically– “for all the saints…” A life of loving care expressed in living a life of prayer is for “ALL’ Believers!
Be Alert – To the opportunities; Be Active – “Perseverance”;Be Asking – Petition/ Supplication for all the saints.
“Stand firm,” Dig in, like a Roman soldier with spikes in his shoes…hold that assigned, critical position. Do it now, it is urgent you do so, being alert and continually praying for all the saints around you, beseeching God with urgent requests for Him to meet the need, of brothers and sisters in Christ. Keep Praying!Are there any believers that come to mind? Pray for them. Do it now, it is urgent. Be ALERT to all around you, when you see someone, or think of someone turn it into PRAYERS for them Whatever their need is. Also you can pray they too stand firm, alert and praying they be on the look out for the well being of others and pray for them!