The Psalmist said, “It is good that I was afflicted that I may learn Your statutes”-( Psalm 119:71). The NLT puts it this way,” My suffering was good for me, FOR it taught me to pay attention to Your decrees.”

You see the spiritual maturity of the Psalmist and the place the LORD brought him to have a Godly Perspective in his troubles, I mean who in their right mind says afflictions, suffering, “ … is good for me?” But note what the Psalmist doesn’t say. He doesn’t say “It is good for me that I was afflicted” and end there as though that is what the end or goal of his afflictions was! That would offer no hope to the suffering saint but he goes on to say what made it “good” profitable, and advantageous, and that being “… that I may learn YOUR Statues!” The afflictions were used of God to lead him to the Word of God for in it he would find…THE GOD OF THE WORD!

God Bless,
