October 27 2019

Woke up in the middle of the night difficulty breathing.Body overheating (part of the disease). Tough. Bag of ice on my neck, forehead, prayer for help and also for others who come to mind who are in difficult times .., nothing is wasted in His hands. “… the Father of mercies(compassion ) and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”-( 2 Cor 1:4). I was reminded…do you know how this verse begins?”Blessed( Praise ) the God and Father of our Lord Jesus CHRIST…” in the midst of trouble – the word “ afflictions” means “ great pressures” it was used in olden times when upon trying to get a conviction would lay a man down flat on his back and lay two boulders on his chest and so great the pressure the man either confessed or was “crushed” to death from the Weight so great was it. He was Helpless to lift it … and Paul here begins with focus on His greatness. His character His comfort to the crushed and then shows them in verses 4 they are Commissioned to comfort others
Who are crushed
With the comfort they have
known from “the God of all comfort.”

It is out of our pain we experience His comfort and are candidates- authorized and qualified to comfort the crushed. What a ministry He imparts and calls us to – Ministers to the Crushed…. and it begins WITH “ blessing” Him. When we bless Him it means we “speak well of Him. “We “praise”Him when God “blesses “us it means He Does Good to us!So these verses came to mind and reminded me to praise and “ speak well of Him” in the midst of crushing. And knowing our crushing has purpose to know His compassion and comfort and to co- labor with Him in comforting others who are crushed…It has not changed the difficulty breathing. Nor the overheating but it has comforted me and I hope These verses have given you His perspective in your own crushing and great pressure. “Speak well of Him”. For His being your Father “Speak well of Him” for the Lord Jesus your Savior. “Speak well of Him” for His mercies ( compassion) towards you. “ Speak well of Him” for His comfort for you. “ Speak well of Him” who equips authorizes and commission’s you to comfort the afflicted. “Speak well of Him” that You DO have a ministry to the crushed. “Speak well of Him” who causes ALL THINGS including these things to work together for good…Including this very thing that as painful, crushing and indeed at times as unwanted as it is which you never would have chosen He is in Control and using to make Himself known to you and His attributes of mercies and comfort. And imparting empathy, compassion in You to comfort others through you.Here is a thought; even now out of your own crushing God is preparing you to be His vehicle to someone else who needs comfort in their affliction