JUNE 4 2023

Truth For Our Trials. –

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.”-{Deuteronomy 29:29}.

There are things we will never know, why? Not? Because God has chosen not to reveal them, but the things we need to know, God has revealed them in His Word!

For example, in regard to my physical condition…

Below are some thoughts written in response to someone when I told them I was content –{for the most part} Leaning and learning more and more in regards to my physical condition with these incurable diseases, very painful muscle disease. In Regard my physical condition! They said the LORD hadn’t kept them from praying for my healing.- {I don’t know …if that is His will for me or not.} We don’t know if God wants to heal me! He may, He may not. That is His decision. That is His Business. But what WE DO KNOW is that He does want to use these trials to …

1.- Mature me spiritually-James 1:2-5; Rom 5:3-5

2.- Know Him better – Phil 3:10

3.- Comfort me to comfort others – 2 Cor 1:3-4

4.- Afford Opportunities to Advance the Gospel -Phil 1:12-14

5.- Set my mind and affections on things above not on things on earth- Col 3:1-3

6.- Seek as priority the Kingdom of God and His righteousness – Matt 6:33

7.- Christ be Formed in me – Gal 4:19; Gal 5:22

8.- Be making disciples – Matt 28:19-20

9.- Continual renewing of my mind- Rom 12:2; Phil 4:8-9

10.- Avail of the present tense sufficient Grace of God and glory knowing that my weakness makes me a candidate of His unleashing His power in and through me – 2 Cor 12:9-10

11.- Proclaim Christ, Serve others for Jesus’ sake- 2 Cor 4:5

12.- Exalt Christ in my body whether by life or death!-Phil 1:20

13.- Love Him and others!- Mark 12:30-31

14.- Submit To God’s Word, to Guide and Govern Life-{Romans 1:2; Col 3:16; Psalm 1:2}

15.- God’s Glory in the mater- Matt 6:9; 1 Cor 10:31

How do we KNOW for certain?
He says so in His REVEALED Word, OBJECTIVE Truths to be known…So we concentrate on what He has made known and clear and the leave the unknown and unclear with Him, who loves us!

So, we familiarize ourselves with the mind of God, the revealed will of God through His Word and it can aid us in our PRAYING for God’s Glory in a life…such as for or me and mine as can be prayed by you for you and others! 

The LORD is not playing “Hide and seek” with regards His will and what He wants us to know as revelaed in His Word!

So often we can concentrate so much on a person’s physical healing and miss the opportunities to pray for their spiritual development in the midst of their trials, and suffering! By all means, pray for physical healing but don’t neglect the opportunity that they may mature and in doing so bear spiritual fruit and Glorify God in all that They do. Including doing good and suffering well for Jesus’ sake! “So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.”-{1 Peter 4:19}. Suffering does not negate continuing trust in God and the ability to do good! A Living faith in a living God is being lived out though not perfectly but definitely with a new affection and direction as God develops our faith and displays Himself through that faith to others for His glory. For example “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”-{Matthew 5:16}.

The Goal is Not Healing but Glorifying God, the ultimate goal is not healing but glorifying God but should HE CHOOSE to include healing so be it, but healing is not  the end, His glory is!- “Our Father who art in Heaven HALLOWED be YOUR Name, YOUR Kingdom come, YOUR Will be done…”-{Matt 6:9}

I’m content! The LORD has brought me more and more to this place. I’m not always there but by His grace, I can say over the years He is making it so. My disease is hard at times excruciatingly so, “BUT GOD…”

While some pray for my healing I am grateful. Scripture is primarily concerned about my relationship with Him and being conformed to Him and co-laboring with Him about His business! Loving God and loving others!

Can you take some time and pick out some of the above verses for your own benefit and also to pray for someone suffering, or going through trials…. PRAY by all means regarding someone’s PHYSICAL BENEFIT but don’t forget to KNOW God is in control, present, able, working all things together for good to those who Love Him…( Rom 8:28-29). And PRAY for their SPIRITUAL Benefit… to what end? That God may be glorified…:)

God bless
