What is God’s Goal for your children? Can you have a part in that? Can you organize and focus your praying to align with Him?
Most of our prayers can be “Defensive” praying such as asking for protection and they be kept from… Nothing wrong with such praying but we need to go on the ATTACK and ultimately for those of our children who are His, that, “Christ be Fully Formed {Developed} In You.”{Gal 4:19}.
Paul labored to this end as Legalist had bewitched them into moving away from Christ to embracing the legalistic teaching of displacing Christ for laws {not the moral law of God} and rituals, rather then Christ. Paul writes to them and up till Galatains 4:12- he is like a lawyer dismantling the arguments and now it all turns on the word “Little children” which is the ONLY Time Paul uses it . It is a term of affection and in the passage that follows we see the tenderness, earnestness of Paul’s love for them.
As parents we need not just give the truth BUT to impart tenderness, compassion and love, with tender words, affirmation of our love for them. Not afraid to share the hurts as Paul did, but affirming them and let them know you are PRAYING for them and the prayer? That “Christ be FORMED in you!” In every area to see Christ manifested TO them and THROUGH them…. Pray On… with purpose for those of your children who know Him… that CHRIST BE FORMED IN THEM! -{Gal 4;12-19}.Christ would be their Liberator, Lover, life and liberty, LORD, to and through them!
Go on the Attack IN YOUR PRAYING, that they would “set their affections on things above where Christ is seated, and not on the things of this world-{Col 3:1-2} that whether by life or death that for them to live is Christ and to die is gain,{Phil 1;20-21} that they may seek as the priority of their living and choosing – the kingdom of God and His righteousness. ..{Matt 6:33}.that they would not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, not stand in the path of sinners nor sit with scoffers but would meditate upon His Word night and day… and like a tree planted, whose leaf does not wither and has rivers to nourish and prosper their spiritual growth – {Psalm 1;1-3} and be conformed, renewed by His Word, so they may approve the will of God….{Rom 12:1-3} indeed Christ would be their life and in all areas as they Consider Him would be conformed to Him and CHRIST BE FORMED IN THEM AND THROUGH THEM…{2 Cor 3:16-18}. That He would “work IN them both the Desire and Doing According to HIS GOOD PLEASURE”-{Phil 2:12-13}
Nothing less that Christ been formed in them the goal! Christ manifested TO them and THROUGH them in their thinking and doing! Pray on with confidence.. WITH HIS GOAL FOR THEM… “CHRIST BE FORMED IN YOU.”-{Gal 4:19}.
“Oh, my dear children! I feel as if I’m going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully {Formed} developed in your lives.”-{Gal 4:19}
* MEMORIZE This verse.
* PRAY this for them…
* SHARE with them concerns and SHOW them love and affection as you share the truth
They may encounter all kinds of false legalistic teaching, replacing grace with legalistic lying works displacing Christ with self… are not new but have been effective in leading His People away…you PRAY… You LOVE them.. SHARE with them…
They are NEVER AWAY FROM HIM. For HE IS always where they are.YOUR PRAYERS are heard and are according to His will. Your prayers can have an effect as you co labor with Him for their highest spiritual good, namely that CHRIST be FULLY CONFORMED-{DEVELOPED} IN THEIR LIFE!
YOUR PRAYING IS NOT IN VAIN….IT IS ACCORDING TO HIS WILL! Some of you children- May Be Out Of The House, But Never Out Of Your Heart! Let them know that! And you can pray, you have access to God… to ask Him to do what only He can and delights to do, conforming His own to the image of His dear Son… You still have influence with them- THROUGH HIM!!
You Are Praying With His Purpose… PRAY ON…