A while back a dear man who has suffered physically, sat across the table from me at lunch and said, “There was a time I couldn’t pray I could read and study…but I couldn’t pray….” It was during times of great physical difficulties and …he seemed to feel bad because there were times as he said “I could not pray”… when he finished his sentence I said “BUT GOD…” Jesus… was praying for you.”-Hebrews 7:25

The 4 Gospels speaks of His Earthly ministry and in the Book of Hebrews it speaks of His heavenly Ministry which says “He ever lives to Intercede for THEM. In Romans 8 we read the Holy Spirit was praying for him, taking those sighs and groans and praying for him… for you-Rom 8:26 says… So when you have felt , you too could not pray there was a “But God” who was interceding on your behalf .”

Perhaps you find yourself in a difficult place in your race in your Christian life….difficulties without, fears and failures within. It is not unusual nor unique for God’s people to travel through times of difficulties and grow weary. The enemy of His and ours will be sure to point out – what you can’t do…. but be sure there will be no “But God…” at the end of his fiery darts… so we must train our minds and rest in His Love for us…when we can’t…. He is still the same Faithful, Unchanging One…..

“Today’s problem is tomorrow testimony…” because for you HIS BELOVED there is always a “BUT GOD…”…….finish with HIM….Rest in HIM…..Even now as your great High Priest He ever lives to intercede for you….Think on that and Thank Him… when life seems confusing, or overwhelming or difficult…. He is praying …for you…

While this dear man who has suffered long looked what he had not done, felt he could not do and the evil one reminding him yet blinded to the glorious fact Someone was Praying {The Lord Jesus Christ Hebrews 7:25}. Thank God there is always a “BUT GOD….” at the end of every situation for us!!!!

In Luke 22 we read these words of the Lord Jesus to Peter…
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon that your faith may not fail.”

How wonderful- the Lord Jesus told Peter what was happening – what HE was doing on his behalf- and calls him by name “Peter”….. Just as He knows all about your situation… and He wants you to Know He is doing something…. He knows your name even when times and emotions may lie and say otherwise…. The Lord Jesus is Praying for you…. as you read! Think on His Heavenly Ministry and thank Him


READ and encourage yourself with Him and allow Him to encourage others through you as you HIDE these- HIS WORDS in your heart!

  1. Heb 7:25 – “…but He always lives to intercede for them”

  2. Rom 8:26 – “…In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us …”

  3. Luke 22 :31-32 – “…. But I {The Lord Jesus } have prayed for YOU…”

This dear man had testified “I couldn’t pray” such was the extremity of pressure he was in and felt GUILT {evil one accusing him, condemning him…} over it, but the TRUTH was The LORD WAS PRAYING FOR HIM as He is you….in your times of extremities.
Should you ever find yourself in such a place take comfort in His character and faithfulness – there is for you always a “BUT GOD…..”

Be encouraged