They Reveal the CONTENT and INTENT of OUR heart.
“The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is GOOD;
and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is EVIL;
FOR his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.” -{Luke 6:45}
Note; There are Two Treasures, One is “Good,” the other is “Evil.” And The EVIDENCE is what each one “‘BRINGS FORTH” reveals whether it be “Good,” or “Evil.” A little like a glass filled to the very top with coke, if you hit the side of it what comes out? Coke! If you have a glass filled to the very top full of orange juice and you hit the side of that what comes out? Orange Juice. Whatever the glass contains is what comes out. the same with the heart, when your will is crossed what is in there comes out!
It is the condition of the heart that overflows through the speech!
Whatever fills the heart is what overflows through the words!
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” –{Ephesians 4:29}
“UNWHOLESOME“- was used of decaying vegetables or decaying animals. “Putrid…Rotten.” Our speech should be that which BUILDS up and Is HELPFUL to the hearer…{Ephesians 4:29}
If You can’t… Build up- then…Shut up!
Our words reveal what is the spiritual condition of our heart in any given moment. When for example we say something “rotten,” “bitter,…resentful…envy…jealous…hateful…gossip,…slanderous,” speech and then say,”Oh that wasn’t me.” Yes it was … your words, my words have just revealed the spiritual condition of our heart and that which fills it!
The good news is if we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness… and we can repent of the bitterness, resentment, un-fogiveness, resentment, envy, jealousy, what ever is the ROOT of the problem in our heart and begin afresh and start anew, guarding our heart and speaking those things which build and help another person with our speech!
What if you have to correct someone? You or I NEVER have the right to shout at people, belittle, or cut down someone or use their past sin to manipulate, embarrass them. For that reveals a heart of un-forgiveness that is to be repented of as evil.
Instead…” Speak the truth in Love… and with Gentleness correcting…. The LORD’S Servant must not be quarrelsome but gentle if perhaps God would grant repentance…” -{Read Eph 4:15; Gal 6:1-2;2 Tim 2:24-25}
” Let your conversation be ALWAYS full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” -{Col 4:6 }
Perhaps you have always responded in a certain way, it is an old habit pattern, put that off, by replacing with the truth of God and repeat, keep doing it, He will enable and strengthen you.-{Read Eph 3;16}
MEMORIZE and Meditate one of the verses above {Luke 6;45; Eph 4:28}. Put it in a PROMINENT place you can regularly see to remind yourself… a bathroom mirror or by your bedside. As you read word for word, phrase for phrase, if you did so twice a day within a month that’s is approx 60 times!!! Before you know it you will have memorized it and it will be fuel for the HOLY SPIRIT to remind you of when tempted to speak rotten destructive words, instead choosing to BUILD UP AND HELP The hearer.
“Put on” a new way of Thinking ans Speaking and responding in a God honoring way nu renewing your mind with HIS Word!-{Read Rom 12:2}. You DO have the Power-{Read 2 Peter 1:3-4; Phil 4:19}
Words reveal the spiritual condition of our heart!
What Do Your Words Reveal About You? Or my words reveal bout me? Wholesome, Building Up, Gracious, Helpful or Rotten, decaying, destructive and dishonoring speech?
Speak to Build up and Help the Hearer not to hurt them!
” Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.“-{Psalm 19:14}