The Gospel has been cancelled…
The Word of God has been downgraded to optional.
The Promises are null and void…
Loving God and others has been put on hold…
Prayer is Just Psychological bable
Self preservation is more important than Gospel Presentation…
Hearing what’s on the News is more important than Prayerfully seeking for opportunists to Share the Good News…
A Virus has dethroned God…and He is impotent…
Don’t live as though these lies are true just because the world sees Crisis… we see Christ and opportunities to “encourage them {His people} to preach the Word of God without fear”-{Phil 1:14} in these present circumstances , gently, lovingly, seeking their eternal well being! It is to be about His business and seeking the good of souls that are scared, anxious that there is ONE, The LORD Jesus who has come so they may know Him and give them eternal life.
The Word of God is Forever settled in Heaven
The Promises of God are “yes, yes, In Christ”
God hears your prayers and answers according to His will
Loving God and Others is to be our daily business
God is On his Throne, all things in subjection to Him!
Fear Or Faith will Motivate And Control!
You can be influenced and spread …fear and anxiety OR you can focus on the Faithful One and seek to Spread the Gospel!
Where others see obstacles may we see opportunities for the LORD Jesus and to be about His business co laboring with Him in these present circumstances we each find ourselves in…
“…David served God’s purpose in his generation before he fell asleep{died}…”-{Acts 13:36} .
..May we, you and me, serve God’s Purpose in this generation…! –🙂