When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”- (James 1:13-15)
When our youngest son, was about seven years old I was trying to teach him about sin. Several days later out of the blue he said to me, “It’s an inside job!” “What is?” I asked, he replied, “sin!” He is right! The problem is not without but within! James teaches it is the “lust” within us. Some may lust after immorality, how close can I get to the flame and not be burned in sexual immorality? It can be a “lust” for power, be it on the playground, home, school, on the playing field, in the board room, on the factory floor or even church! It can be a “lust” for possessions– ever desiring, planning to get “it” discontent with God’s provision. It may be an inner “lust” for prestige, like the Pharisees we “love” the position of prominence, you and I feel we “rightly” deserve! Lusting for glory honor and power, which rightfully belongs to God. Sin is so subtle at times but none the less hideous.
“Lusts” come in all sizes and shapes, don’t they? “Lust” for pre eminence- wanting to be heard, having the last word, topping everyone else’s story, have the highest place, demanding respect, to be “the man!” Forgetting you and I were purchased with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus we are not our own we have been bought with a price and our privilege is to – glorify Him.
Servants don’t live to be served but to attend to their Master. Our Master is Jesus Christ- we should hate everything that would tempt us to betray Him.
Your particular “lusts” may not look like the next person’s, but be sure they are not unique to you alone and to yield to them will bring dishonor to Him.
Understand yourself, have a healthy fear of yourself, that leads you to flee to God.
Is there hope? Not in yourself but in the Lord Jesus Christ- alone! He is our hope! He has shown you “THE way of escape.” -(1 Cor 10:13). It is a narrow path through His Word depending upon His Spirit, denying yourself and doing life His Way. You are presently in possession of “Divine power and …precious and magnificent promises” -(2 Peter 1:3-4), to enable you to deal with every and all temptations- that is good news, great Hope from Him for you in your times of temptation.
Not everyone may be enticed to sin against God by yielding to the same temptation but we should know enough about ourselves to have a healthy fear of ourselves that lurking beneath our skin is a traitor that can be appealed to and it is our own particular “lusts!”
Temptation always has a goal-to sin against God.
God has provided for us a cross and ability to deny ourselves-say no to self and yes to the Savior is our only Hope to deal with temptation! We have the power to resist and embrace God’s way for us!
God Bless,