“Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. INSTEAD, PAY THEM BACK with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and He will bless you for it.”-{1 Peter 3:9}.

PAY BACK. Why did He tell believers not to return evil with evil?    It’s one thing to refrain from doing so, “But God…” says to go beyond that and respond with our speech it means negatively, don’t Return evil. Don’t return with insults. Positively, Do Return with…GOOD, BLESSING…KINDNESS. The word “blessing,” {eulogountes} means “to speak well of.” The natural tendency is to withdraw, seek vengeance, hurt those who have hurt you, hurl abusive accusations and a few “home truths” back at them, trade insults, and see who can insult the most. Withdraw from them, give them the cold shoulder, gossip about them.Seek to hurt those who have hurt you. Go get them. Let the bitterness in your heart that you may accumulate from un-forgivenss towards them fester and in doing so inject poison into others of bitterness, anger,resentment.”But God…” has called His people to respond in a different way,… His way…His PAYBACK PLAN!

“PAY THEM BACK WITH A BLESSING…” To those who DO NOT return evil with evil and instead BLESS them. By blessing those who have wronged us we inherit a blessing! Peter wants them to KNOW God has called them to respond this way and in doing so God promises a blessing to those who CHOOSE to obey Him, in a difficult relationship as they encountered!

Luke 6;27-28 gives us four ways,” “But I say to you who hear, LOVE your enemies, DO GOOD to those who hate you, BLESS those who curse you, PRAY for those who mistreat you. ”

1. LOVE THEM– unconditionally. And part of loving is to forgive-{Read 1 Cor 13:4-7}
2. DO GOOD– That which benefits them
3. BLESS– Speak well of them
4. PRAY- Stand before God an intercede on their behalf for their highest good and His honor!
Theses are four ways to repay those who have hurt you.

When we each think how we have hurt Him, it should humble us and cause thankfulness that He loved us, does love us, will love us. He has done good and continues to do good to us. He has and does Bless us and He Prays for us. Wow…how can we not extend grace. Hard? Impossible in and of ourselves,”But God…” has supplied everything we need. “Through His Divine Power He has granted us EVERYTHING pertaining to life and Godliness.”-{2 Peter 1:3}.” God is at work in us both to DESIRE and DO FOR His good pleasure.”- {Phil 2:13}.

You have the POWER… to REPAY GOD’S WAY!
You have the PLAN… to REPAY GOD’S WAY!
You have the POTENTIAL BLESSING… to motivate you to REPAY GOD’S WAY.

YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE CHOICE… to REPAY GOD’S WAY! HOW? Submit to His Word, depend on His Spirit to strengthen you, and make the choice one at a time to BLESS them. And to you He promises a BLESSING!

IT’S A QUESTION OF LOVE? Is He worthy of your obedience? That’s the question. it’s a question of love.”he who has My commandments and obeys them loves Me.”-{John 14:21}.
FAMILY RESEMBLANCE; “…In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven”-{Matt 5:45}, Your response TESTIFIES Who Your father is! It is an opportunity to Testify by the way you respond. Testimony is more than words it is a life manifesting whom you belong to!

I’m confident you will! –

“…Ourselves your servant FOR JESUS SAKE” -{2 Cor 4:5} –🙂