“Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises to our God,

how pleasant and fitting to praise Him!”-{Psalm 147:1}


“The verb PRAISE is often in the imperative mood (as indicated by bold red font on this page), indicating that praise is commanded. Most of the imperatives are piel which usually expresses an “intensive” or “intentional” action as well as a repeated or extended action. In short these are the strongest command possible in the Hebrew language. And so we see that Scripture repeatedly indicates that praise is not optional but required for the redeemed of the Lord who are under grace not law. Praise is every believer’s high and holy privilege and should be our persistent, persevering activity, even (especially) when we don’t “feel” like praising Him! This is usually when we really need to make the Spirit enabled choice of our will to lift up praises to His Name! Note that in the following list the English word praise most often translates the Hebrew verb halal and the Greek verb aineo (In the Septuagint = Lxx) which means to praise. The phrase “Praise the LORD” is transliterated “halelû-yäh” where “halelu” is the the plural (the singular is “hallel” as in Ps 102:19).”-{PRECEPTAUSTIN

” Hallal – To shine, rave, boast, celebrate extravagantly, to be clamorously foolish.
Hallal is the root from which we get the word Hallelujah. Hallel- praise- jah… YHWH.” “Halal means to praise, glorify, boast, commend,”

“Hallal”- “To be boastful, praise, ”

Giving Him the recognition He deserves to  be exalted, ” “praise” is halal (the root of hallelujah), meaning “to praise, honor, or commend.” All three terms contain the idea of giving thanks and honor to one who is worthy of praise…

There are multiple words in Hebrew and Greek translated as “praise” in our English Bibles. In essence, to praise is to express adoration or approval. We praise the Lord for His traits, His works, and His character. Praise includes the acts of blessing, commending, honoring, thanking, celebrating, and rejoicing. We praise the Lord because He is worthy of all our praise. He is worthy of all adoration and approval.“- gotquestions.com

Praise,…”It is the soul’s expression of admiration in view of the Divine excellence. It is gladness expressed; it is gratitude expressed; it is joy expressed–and all with reference to the manifestations of God Himself. “- (Henry Ward Beecher.)

The Psalmist begins the Psalm with focusing on the LORD and what is proper and right for the people to respond to His Greatness, Goodness and Generosity as Sovereign, Creator, and Provider! They had been through exile, had suffered, and God had delivered them and brought them back to the land and the call is to Praise the LORD. The Hebrew word “Praise,” {Halal} means “boasting, praise.” Praise Him,..Sing His Praises! ” The psalm itself conforms to the standard pattern of the hymn of praise. The psalm has three stanzas (verses 1-6, 7-11, 12-20), each of which opens with a “call to praise” and then continues by recounting “reasons for praise.” The lectionary for this Sunday includes only the first two stanzas.

The call to praise is iterated four times in the psalm –– once at the start of each stanza and once at the very end:

verse 1 “Praise the Lord! How good it is to sing praises . . . and a song of praise is fitting.”
verse 7 “Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre.”
verse 12 “Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion
verse 20c “Praise the Lord!”

“Matthew Henry once said of this psalm, “It is easy in singing this psalm,” Psalm 147, “to apply it to ourselves both to personal and national mercies. Were it but as easy to do so with suitable affections.” In other words, he says when you read this psalm it’s very easy to see how you could pray it for yourself and pray it for the nation, but can we do it with the right kind of affection of praise to God? It reminds me of something that the great theologian John Owen once said. He said, “It is easier to bring our heads to worship than it is to bring our hearts to worship.” And that’s something that I want us to think about as we look at this psalm and it’s three parts tonight, because this exhortation to praise the Lord ought to prompt in us some reflection on our affections in praising the Lord, our desires in praising the Lord.

The psalm itself begins after its first exhortation by telling us three things about the praise of the Lord. “It is good to sing praises to our God; it is pleasant; and it is fitting.” It is a good thing, it is a positively good thing to worship God, to praise the Lord, to sing to Him. And it is a pleasant thing. There is something inherently pleasing in the worship of God, not only to God but pleasing to us. If we love Him, if we know Him, if we’re in Him and we’re praising Him, there’s something inherently pleasant about that. Do you know that experience, from time to time almost palpable in your Christian life? There have been times where you worshiped God, where you were singing His praises, where you were with His people and you just didn’t want to leave? You were being blessed in the very giving of praise to God? And the psalmist is reminding us of that here. It’s not only good to praise the Lord but there’s something inherently pleasant in the praise of the Lord.

And of course it’s fitting. It’s appropriate to praise the Lord. What’s the psalmist doing? He’s piling up motivations, he’s piling up reasons so that when you come to praise the Lord you come to give yourself to the Lord. If I could paraphrase something that Billy Dempsey said during his words prior to the offertory this morning, he said, “Remember, when you give as an act of worship in the gathering of God’s people, be ready to give yourself; be ready to put yourself in that plate.” Well the psalmist is giving us reasons; he’s stacking up motivations so that we can really give ourselves to the Lord in praise. And I’d like us to see three things tonight that he teaches us here.”-{LigonDuncan.com}


“What should be noted about the call to praise is that it, quite literally, calls for a response. The audience is called to open our mouths, lift up our voices, and join in the psalmist’s joyous song. The fact that the book of Psalms ends with five psalms that include calls to praise, and with a final psalm (150) that is nothing but an extended call to praise, means that the audience enjoined to take up the songs that we have learned from the Psalter, and to sing those songs out in the world.

In general, we tend to think of the purpose of singing in worship as something we do as part of our relationship with God, as something we do for God. But the direction of the call to praise at the end of the Psalter is a little different. We are enjoined here to come to worship, to learn the praise of God, and to go out into the world and sing these songs (these psalms) out there. And the praise that this psalm calls for has a specific content: it is testimony about God.

Speaking in a general sense, there are two types of praise –– on the one hand, there is praise that sung to God; on the other hand, there is praise that is sung about God. Praise that is sung to God generally uses the second person. For example, “All Your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord” (145:10). Praise that is sung about God generally uses the third person. For example, “The Lord lifts up the downtrodden; He casts the wicked to the ground” – (147:6).

Psalm 147 is exclusively praise of the second type — praise that is sung ABOUT God. The purpose of this type of praise is testimony. As Patrick Miller has written, “the purpose of praise [is] . . . to bear witness to all who hear that God is God.”2

The content of the testimony of Psalm 147 ranges between two poles — creation and redemption.
In terms of creation, the psalm bears witness to God as the creator and the sustainer:

He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names. (verse 4)
He covers the heavens with clouds, prepares rain for the earth, makes grass grow on the hills. (verse 8)
He gives to the animals their food, and to the young ravens when they cry. (verse 9)
And so on. . . (see verses 15-18)

Focusing on God as creator, the psalm emphasizes both the initial act of creation, but also the ongoing, sustaining actions of the creator — providing food, sending rain, and so on.
In terms of redemption, the psalm bears witness to God’s acts of blessing and redemption in Israel’s history — especially to the act of restoring Jerusalem following the Babylonian exile (verses 2, 13).

Here, the psalm attends to the scandal of election. In the New Testament, the scandal of the good news is found in the proclamation of the incarnation of God in one human person (Jesus of Nazareth) who was crucified and died. In the Old Testament, a similar scandal is found in the proclamation that God chose one nation to be blessed as a blessing to all the other nations — Israel. The psalm calls for us to lift up our voices and sing of God’s history with that nation — rebuilding Jerusalem, healing the brokenhearted, strengthening the gates of the city, granting peace, declaring the divine word and commandments to Israel (verse 19). The scandal is summarized in verse 19: “He has not dealt thus with any other nation.”

But because God did choose Abraham and Sarah and their offspring, healing and reconciliation and blessing have flowed out through Israel to reach all of us.

Praise the Lord! “-{Rolf Jacobson.}

In verse 1 we see three aspects of praise, and three reasons to Praise.

1.Praise Is  GOOD.-

“Tob,” The word means “good, pleasant, agreeable.”  This is one reason why to “Praise the Lord” continually and also,”to make music to the LORD.” The Hebrew word,”Zamar” means “to make music.” It is a verb. It is “Good,” because it is God Honoring. It is Good because it is right, It is “Good, ” because it is agreeable to the LORD. It is “good,” because He is good and does good. It is good for us to be involved in that which God says is “Good!” “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.”- {Psalm 107:1}

Note the word “good” in each of these verse and note what or how His goodness is manifested in each verse… as “fuel” for your praise of Him! As you read, put the phrase, “LORD I Praise You Because…” Personalize it to specifically praise, boast, glory in Him!

  • “You are good and do good;…”-{Psalm 119:68}
  • “Good and upright is the Lord. “-{Psalm 25:8}
  • “The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His Works.”-{Psalm 145:9}
  • “Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting. “- {Psalm 100:4-5}
  • “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.”-{Nahum 1:7}
  • ” Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men! You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of man; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.”-{Psalm 31:19-20}
  • “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth.“‘-{Exodus 34:6}
  • But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, That I may tell of all Your works. “-{Psalm 73:28}
  • Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” -{James 1:17}
  • “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.“-{Psalm 27:13}
  • ” Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  “-{Psalm 23:6}
  • “Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness .” -{Psalm 107:8-9}.”Praise the LORD.Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.”-{Psalm 106:1};

He is “good, does good,” and it is “good,” for us to Praise Him and sing songs of praise to Him!

Below are some verses that speaks on “singing” His praise. Note in each verse reasons to sing of His goodness” look at the word “For” in some verse which gives the reason, and explanation why to sing His praises! Again use as “fuel” for your praising Him for this aspect of His nature manifested in His deeds.

  • And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord: “For He is good, for His mercy endures forever toward Israel.” -{Ezra 3:11}
  • “It is good to praise the LORD and make music to Your name, O Most High,”-{Psalm 92:1}
  • “Hear this, you kings! Listen, you rulers! I, even I, will sing to  the LordI will praise the Lord, the God of Israel, in song. “- {Judges 5:3};
  • “For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in his dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be exalted  above the enemies who surround me; at His sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy;I will sing and make music to the Lord.”-{Psalm 27:5-6}.
  • “Now at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought out the Levites from all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem so that they might celebrate the dedication with gladness, with hymns of thanksgiving and with songs to the accompaniment of cymbals, harps and lyres.”-{Nehemiah 12:27}.
  • “It is good to give thanks to the LORD And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;”-{Psalm 92:1}.

It is not just a statement that God is good, but an exhortation to do something …Since The LORD is “GOOD,” let us act by Praising, Boasting, Singing His Praises because the LORD is… GOOD! Celebrate His Goodness!


2. Praise Is PLEASANT

“Naem”- The word means, “Pleasant, Delightful.” 

Look at some ways the Hebrew word “naem” is used. The word in bold show how it is translated in the verse.

  • For wisdom will enter your heart And knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;   “-{Proverbs 2:10}
  • In Psalm 135:3, we read something similar,  the same Hebrew “naem,” is used here and translated “lovely, pleasant.”  “Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; Sing praises to His name, for it is lovely. “
  • One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
    To behold the beauty of the Lord And to meditate in His temple.“-{Psalm 27:4}. The word “beauty,” which literally means” delightfulness,” it is from the Hebrew word “naem.”

He is good, His name is lovely, praise Him, sing praises to His Name! He is beautiful, delightful, pleasant! How wonderful. What is He like? What is ahead of you when you see Him? You will see Him, His beauty, delightfulness, pleasantness, Lovely!

Strong’s Hebrew writes, “From na’em; agreeableness, i.e. Delight, suitableness, splendor or grace — beauty, pleasant(-ness).”

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO THE LORD? It is pleasant, delightful, lovely, beautiful to the LORD when we Praise Him and sing His praises. So, this is motivation to do so. He is our motivation!

3. Praise Is FITTING

“Naveh,”- The word means, “Comely, becoming, fitting, lovely.” The word is also  translated “beautiful,” as used in Isaiah 55:27- “How beautiful {lovely} on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

“But I will sing of Your power; Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; For You have been my defense And refuge in the day of my trouble.” {Psalm 59:16}. We sing His Praises and He is Glorified and we are reminded of Who He is, What He Has done, is doing, and we recount and it helps our mind also!

In Psalm 135:3, we read something similar, “Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; Sing praises to His name, for it is lovely.{‘Tob,” “good, pleasant agreeable.}. He is good, His name is lovely, praise Him, sing praises to His Name!

And the Psalm gives us “Fuel” for our Songs of Praise.

We Sing His Praises because HE is “LORD” -v 1…It is “Good, Pleasant, Fitting” to do so!

We Sing His Praises because HE is “GOD,”- v 2 …It is “Good, Pleasant, Fitting” to do so!

Sing to Him Because He Is A BUILDER -v 1-2…It is “Good, Pleasant, Fitting” to do so!

Sing to Him Because He Is A HEALER- v 3…It is “Good, Pleasant, Fitting” to do so!

Sing to Him Because He Is POWERFUL – v 4…It is “Good, Pleasant, Fitting” to do so!

Sing to Him Because He Is INFINITE IN UNDERSTANDING – v 5…It is “Good, Pleasant, Fitting” to do so!

Sing to Him Because He Is THE SUSTAINER- v 6-11…It is “Good, Pleasant, Fitting” to do so!

Sing to Him Because He Is PROTECTOR- v 12-14…It is “Good, Pleasant, Fitting” to do so!

Sing to Him Because He Is Of HIS WORD – v 15-1…It is “Good, Pleasant, Fitting” to do so!

Sing to Him Because He Is A  REVEALER – 19-2…It is “Good, Pleasant, Fitting” to do so!


Praise the LORD!
For it is 
good to sing praises to our God;
For it is 
pleasant, and praise is beautiful.” -{Psalm 147:1}

a. Praise the LORD: These words are both a declaration and an encouragement of praise to Yahweh. We are encouraged to praise Yahweh with the psalmist.

i. “There is no heaven, either in this world, or the world to come, for people who do not praise God. If you do not enter into the spirit and worship of heaven, how should the spirit and joy of heaven enter into you?” (Puslford, cited in Spurgeon)

b. It is good to sing praises to our God: It was right for the psalmist to tell himself and others to praise the LORD, and he assumed that God’s people would do it with singing. The goodness of praise comes from the truth that it is, in itself, pleasant and beautiful.

i. Psalm 33:1 says praise from the upright is beautiful. True praise is beautiful to God, to His people as a community, and to the individual worshipper.

ii. Praise is pleasant and beautiful for humanity. “It is decent, befitting, and proper that every intelligent creature should acknowledge the Supreme Being: and as he does nothing but good to the children of men, so they should speak good of his name.” (Clarke)

iii. Since praise is beautiful, “…an unthankful man is an ugly, ill-favoured spectacle.” (Trapp)


PRAISING Him Through Pain

2 Cor 1:3;

Eph 1:3;

1 Peter 1:3;



“for it is good to sing praises unto our God; it being agreeably to his revealed will, what he enjoins, approves of, and accepts, and is profitable to his people, as well as makes his glory; see Psalm 92:1. Some render it, “because he is good”, as in Psalm 106:1; but the accents, and what follows, will not admit of this sense;

for it is pleasant; to our God; with which the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, Ethiopic, and Arabic versions, join this clause; the sacrifice of praise is more pleasing to the Lord than any ceremonial sacrifice, especially when offered from a grateful heart in the name of Christ, and with a view to his glory; and it is pleasant to saints themselves, when grace is in exercise, and they make melody in their hearts to the Lord;

and praise is comely: is due to the Lord, and becomes his people to give it to him; it is but their reasonable service, and a beautiful and lovely sight it is to see the chosen, redeemed, and called of the Lamb, harping with their harps, and singing the song of redeeming love.

“…It is told of a Welsh girl that her father had died, and the mother came out of the room weeping. The child said, ‘Mother, what is the matter?’ ‘Oh, what shall I do, my child? oh, what shall I do?’ ‘Mother, what is the matter? ‘Your father is dead, child, and what shall I do? ‘ The child looked up in the mother’s face, and said, ‘Mother, praise the Lord, praise the Lord.’ The mother was reproved : she went away and she tried to praise ; she began to praise the Lord for what was left, and as she began to praise the Lord for what was left to her, she soon found that the burden of her heart was lifted off. The Lord was left ; the Lord with all His grace was still her possession. She was in the position of Habakkuk, who sings, ‘Though the fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines ; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls ; yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.’ And then he inscribed his song, ‘ To the chief singer upon my stringed instruments.’ Is not that a pattern for us? Afflicted one, praise the Lord, and tell your afflicted friends to try to praise the Lord.”

“Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises to our God,

how pleasant and fitting to praise Him!”-{Psalm 147:1}.