“Let me HEAR of Your UNFAILING LOVE each morning”- {Ps 143:8}.

What is it that you really need to HEAR each morning? What is it that you “HEAR” about God when thoughts come to you? I was Thinking on this, and thought How has, or does He show us His Love? And what we need to LISTEN TO from.. HIS WORD… and “HEAR” from Him and ourselves Thinking on TRUTH. I had some verses came to mind…and I put a few together, hope it encourages you…

1.- “Let me hear of Your Unfailing LOVE Each Morning….”
“I have LOVED you with and Everlasting Love…”-{Jer 31:3}


2.- “Let me hear of Your Unfailing LOVE Each morning…”
“How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you.” -{Psalm 139:17-18} You awake to Love!


3.- “Let me hear of Your Unfailing LOVE each morning…”
“For God so loved…{you} He gave His unique Son that you should not perish but have everlasting life.” – THANK YOU,LORD, for Loving me!


4. -“Let me hear of Your unfailing LOVE each morning”
“The Son of God LOVED me and gave Himself up for me.” -{Gal 2:20″} – THANK YOU LORD, for Loving me


5. -“Let me hear of Your unfailing LOVE each morning”
“Nothing can separate us from the LOVE of God in Christ” -{Rom 8:31} – THANK YOU LORD, for Loving me.


6. -“Let me hear of Your unfailing LOVE each morning”
“To Him who continually LOVES us and had freed us from our sin to Him be the Glory”-{Rev 1:5-6} . Thank You LORD for Loving me


7. -“Let me hear of Your unfailing LOVE each morning”
“As your day so shall your strength be” -{Deut 33:25}.- Thank You LORD, for Loving me!


8. – “Let me hear of Your unfailing LOVE each morning”
“I will never leave or forsake you” -{Heb 13:5}- THANK YOU LORD, for loving ,me!


9. -“Let me hear of Your Unfailing LOVE each morning”
“My Grace IS sufficient for you”-{2 Cor 12:8-10}.THANK YOU LORD, for Loving me!

10. – ” Let me hear of Your unfailing Love each morning .”
” there is therefore NOW no condemnation to those who are in Christ”- Rom 8:1


11. -“Let me hear Your unfailing Love each morning ”
” HEAR…”
” as far as the east is from the west so far I have removed your iniquities…, their sins and iniquities I will remember NO MORE…”(Psalm 103:12; Hebrews 8:12)


12. – “Let me hear of Your Unfailing LOVE each morning.”
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;great is Your faithfulness.”-{Lam 3:22-23}. THANK YOU LORD, FOR LOVING ME!

These are a few thoughts from His Word OF EVIDENCES OF HIS- “UNFAILING LOVE”… And what you need to “HEAR” from… His Word,  which is the ultimate authority on what God says! THINK of what you CHOOSE TO Listen to about GOD and do those thoughts correspond with God’s Love towards you. Who are you listening to and what do you “HEAR?”

THANKSGIVING; Martin Luther once said,”If you would HEAR from God LISTEN to Holy Scripture” He is right! Hope this will encourage you… at the end of each I placed “THANK YOU LORD…” as THANKSGIVING we know is DOING HIS WILL – {I Thess 5:18} and GLORIFIES HIM.- {Luke 17:17-19; 2 Cor 4:15} when you THANK HIM. “HEAR” from Him today, from HIS WORD… of His “UNFAILING LOVE each morning” – Now, that is GOOD NEWS! What does the morning bring ? His “unfailing love.” 

LISTENING TO THE WRONG VOICES; A lot of “voices” compete for your attention, the evil one seeking to slander God to you and dishearten you with thoughts such as, “God may love others but He could never love you .., You are an embarrassment to Him… You are on the shelf,God can’t use you, look at yourself, you are not a real Christian…, God is not good. God does not care for you if He did why did He allow this to happen ?” And you can add your own ” fiery arrows” to the lists. “But God…” Has provided us with precious and magnificent promises to use and the Word of Truth to transform us and the shield of faith to quench those thoughts and replace then with what He says about you! “HEAR” Him! Listen to HIM… in… His… Revealed Word!

THINK AND THANK; Can you think of some other ways He shows you His love and thank Him for and stimulate others to think on His Love and thank Him for?…”HEAR” Him today and “each morning” of HIS “UNFAILING LOVE” For you!

** THE VERSE READS, AND IS good to Memorize, Meditate, Trust, Apply, Praise Him for and pray for yourself and others this day,{Put the person you are prying for Name in } it and SHARE…

“Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning,
for I am trusting You.
Show me where to walk,
for I give myself to You.”-
{Psalm 143:8} {NLT}