Definition: to kneel down, to bless God as an act of adoration
Scriptures: Psalm 34:1, Psalm 95:6, 1 Chronicles 29:20
Strong’s Hebrew Concordance: 1288
- BARAK: To kneel in reverence and submission (Scriptural reference – Psalm 66:20)
There are several various Hebrew words that our English words translate, “Praise,” but in the original show us the beautiful meanings, word pictures to help us grasp, understand the wonderful variety of ways the LORD has gifted us to glory, boast, brag, lift our voices and hearts to Him to agree with His Word in worshiping Him for who He is, mighty in deeds and Awesome in character. But one word we want to look at is the Hebrew word “Barak,” to help us understand the POSITION OF PRAISE. Now before we get into it, it is not the physical position we are speaking about but the spiritual position, the inner position of our hearts, where no one can see or know but us and God. Seen and known by Him. For it is possible to take a physical position and be loud in praise but yet it not be acceptable to Him because our POSTURE, POSITION OF PRAISE is not right. For example God is opposed to the proud. It is possible to sing praise songs, quote praise words and yet if we are proud in our hears we know God is opposed to the proud. When the people appeared to Honor The LORD with their lips, we are told “This people honor me with their lips BUT their heart are far from Me.” -{Matthew 15:18}. So it is possible to give Lip service and indeed sound good, look good but not be good where it counts… inwardly, in the heart.
So we see what the POSTURE of PRAISE is Not, it is not a physical position, that is here spoken of. It is not verbally affirming truth if the heart is not in alignment, submission to Him who is truth and as a result the heart is far from God. In other words it is not the external but the internal that is on view and which God desires! “The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”-{1 Samuel 16:7}
So what is it – the POSTURE, POSITION OF PRAISE that God Accepts and requires for our Praise to be acceptable to Him?
The Hebrew word that gives us our answer is “barak.” Literally, this word means “to bow or to kneel. It’s what a person does when they come into the presence of a King. It’s an expression of humility. “
Remember we said God is opposed to the proud heart, but He gives race to who? The humble we are told. And “Barak” the POSITION, POSTURE OF PRAISE is …Humility. It is the picture of coming before a King and kneeling and Bowing as an outward act if an inner heart. External act reflecting and Internal attitude. is the picture.
We know in the end that every knee shall BOW and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of the Father. To bow is a picture of submission… and so the POSTURE OF PRAISE… is the heart that is in submission to the LORD. This is where Praise begins with adopting the proper attitude … and such we see from the word “Barak.”
The word is used in
- Psalm 95:6 – “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel {Barak} before the Lord our Maker;”
- 1 Chronicles 29:20 Then David said to all the assembly, “Now bless (barak) the Lord your God.” And all the
assembly blessed (barak) the Lord, the God of their fathers, and bowed low and did homage to the Lord
and to the king.” - Psalm 34:1 I will bless (barak) the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
- “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed {Barak} be the name of the Lord.” -{Job 1:21}
- “Yea, all kings shall fall down before Him: all nations shall serve him… And He shall live, and to Him shall be given all gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for Him continually; and daily shall He be praised (bârak).” – {Psalm 72:11, 15}
“It means to kneel down. It means to bow low as a sign of adoration and reverence. It carries with it the idea of humbling yourself to a place that is lower than the recipient of your worship (God).”
Sometimes the word “blessed” is use but is interchangeable with Praise when it is the same Hebrew word “Barak,” Such as in Psalm 103.
“Praise (bârak) the Lord, my soul; All my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise (bârak) the Lord, my soul, And forget not all his benefits…
Praise (bârak) the Lord, my soul, You mighty ones who do his bidding, Who obey his word. Praise (bârak) the Lord, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.
Praise (bârak) the Lord, all his works everywhere in his dominion.
Praise (bârak) the Lord, my soul. ” – { Psalm 103:1-2,20-22}
“Barak” is used to de ote blessing. “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised” (Job 1:21). (Judges 5:1-2; Psalm 72:15).”Barack” suggests the transcendent privilege of blessing the Lord.”{Barak}
“This flavor of praise is one that we commonly see around altars. It
Scriptures to reference: Psalm 95:6 (expresses this idea literally); Psalm 103 (uses the phrase “bless the Lord” to convey this expression)
This one might be the most physically “uncomfortable” expression to have people do, but you can have people stand up and bow or kneel right where they are. I also like to have people think about a royal court of years gone by. Have them answer what would be the first thing you’d do before approaching the throne to have an audience with a king or queen. You would bow low as a sign of reverence and deference to their power. The same applies here: we bow and kneel to outwardly express our awareness of God’s greatness.”
“BARAK means “to kneel down, to bless God as an act of adoration, to salute.”
Psalm 95:6 O come let us worship and bow down; let us kneel (barak) before the Lord our maker.
OTHER REFERENCES: Judges 5:2; Psalms 72:15, 96:2, 103:1-2″
- The Posture of Praise:
5. BARAK (baw-rak’): To kneel. To bless God (as an act of _____________________). To praise. To salute. To thank.
“Yea, all kings shall fall down before Him: all nations shall serve him… And He shall live, and to Him shall be given all gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for Him continually; and daily shall He be praised (bârak).” Psalm 72:11, 15
Other Scriptures: Psalm 96:6, Ezekiel 3:23, Ephesians 3:14, Daniel 6:10, Ezra 9:5, Romans 14:11, Acts 20:36, Revelation 7:11.
2. Barach – To bless, to praise as a blessing
Literally, this word means to bow or to kneel. It’s what a person does when they come into the
presence of a King. It’s an expression of humility.
• Psalm 145:1 – “I will extol you, my God my King, and bless Your name forever and ever.”
Verse 2- same thing- “Every day I will bless you (barach) and praise Your name forever.”
• Psalm 95:6 – “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our
Maker!” In this verse the psalmist uses 3 different words- “Come let us worship (literally
shachah- bow down prostrate) and bow down (kara – crouch low), let us kneel (barach)- 3
different words that all mean some form of bowing down, crouching down, kneeling before