September 14 2020

Woke at 3 am this morning after a few hours sleep and couldn’t get back to sleep so I started my 4 hour IV treatments…I fell asleep about 7:30 for an hour and woke up groggy, pain, exhausted from pain. Yesterday the pain was so severe like sitting in a bath of scalding water . So when I awoke I didn’t feel good, weary, and sleep deprived from weeks of poor sleep, so I did what I sometimes do and I’m sharing this that perhaps it may help, comfort you in those difficult times, when you find it hard to get your mind on Him as perhaps something that may aid and encourage you. I thought of the word,”Father,” and began to put something that is true of Him to each letter of the Word. For example…

F– Faithful. “Lord I THANK You, that You are Faithful to Your Word, Faithful to me! -{Psalm 71:72}

A– “Affectionate”- “Lord I THANK You, for The Affection You have shown me.-{Phil 1:8}

T – Tenderness -“Lord I THANK You, that You are tender, and have and do deal tenderly with me.”-{Luke 1:78-79}

H— Helper -“Lord I THANK You that my Help comes from You and at Your Throne You tell me to come and “receive , mercy, grace to HELP in time of need”-{Heb 4:15-16}

E– Exalted – “Lord I THANK You that You have exalted Your Name and Word above all else” -{Psalm 138:2}

R– Reconciliation – “Lord I THANK You that You Reconciled me to Yourself through the Blood of Your Son.” -{Col 1:20}

And I repeated this again and again, picking out a fresh truth, characteristic for each letter, and I KNOW based on His Word that Thanksgiving GLORIFIES HIM-{Read Luke 17:15-18} and Thanksgiving is DOING HIS WILL! -{Read 1 Thess 5:18}… and we don’t have to guess if this is so for His Word DECLARES it is so!

And here is the neat thing, no matter how your or I feel, we KNOW that every-time we THANK Him we are glorifying and doing His Will. So, if you Thank Him 10 times, you have glorified Him 10 times and Done His Will 10 times, based on OBJECTIVE TRUTH not subjective how you or I “feel,” but what He says!

Try taking the Words, “FATHER…LORD… JESUS… AND thank Him for each letter that you can put a truth to in the word and in doing so GLORIFY and DO HIS WILL! – 🙂