God Unchanging…-6 Aspects That Never Changes About God!
“…for I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning. And from ancient times which have not been done.
Saying ‘My PURPOSE will be established, And I WILL complete All My good pleasure.” – Isaiah 46:9-10
The Fall of 2000 will long be remembered in the minds of many Americans linking the state of Florida and the Presidential election. We were introduced to “chads,” “dimples” we had a winner declared by the TV news casts only for it to be reversed and reversed again. Week after week, day after day changes came forth.
Law suits and lawyers captivated news shows and court rooms. Conflicts, demonstrations, accusations, slander, conspiracy theories abounded. The only constant in the whole thing was the constant Change that took place daily!!
Oh, but what delight for the child of God that though all around us change we have an anchor and assurance and bold and blessed Hope that no matter what circumstances or opinions or votes change, this One fact remains Unchanging… The Lord God Creator of Heaven and Earth, who sits upon the Throne of Glory NEVER CHANGES.
He is Immutable. To say God is Immutable is to say He never changes. Neither opinions, mood swings or politics changes Him. HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN PERFECT. Perfectly Holy, Just, Merciful, Gracious, Wrathful, Angry, Loving, Compassionate, Strong, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent God. He has need of no one or nothing outside of Himself to sustain, fulfill or satisfy Him. He never gains insight, knowledge or power. He never diminishes in knowledge Power or perfection. Always and Forever the same- Glory to Him!
To say that God is Immutable does not mean He is Insensitive, Indifferent, Indisposed or Impotent in the affairs of men. Indeed for dear Joseph in a prison cell having been sold into slavery by his brothers, slandered and accused falsely of rape, forgotten by all, year after year rotting in a prison. God was not indifferent to his servant, no God was actively involved in his life and when He decided to free him, he elevated him and what others used for evil God used for good to His own glory and the benefit of others. To say that God is Immutable is to say He is always and forever the same.
And this dearly beloved should bring great comfort and warning to our hearts, He has no mood swings, off days, never inconsiderate or too bothered for you, but always delighting in you and developing you into a man or woman of faith, conforming you to the image of His Son as you respond to Him His way.
Let me share SIX Reasons to rejoice for you no matter what is going on in the White House, your house, the dog house or any one else’s House! In the midst of your changing circumstances Hold to these Realities…
1. His PERSON is Unchanging
“I the Lord do not change” – Mal 3:6
2. His PROMISES are Unchanging
“For no matter how many promises God has made they are yes in Christ…” – 2 Cor 1:20
3. His POWER is Unchanging
“Power belongs to the Lord” – Psalm 62:11
4. His PURPOSES are unchanging
“…for I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning. And from ancient times which have not been done. Saying ‘My PURPOSE will be established, And I WILL complete All My good pleasure.” Isa 46:9-10
5. His PRESENCE with you is Unchanging
” I will never leave you nor will I ever forsake you.”- Heb 13:5
6. His PERSPECTIVE never changes – As revealed in His Word
“For as rain comes down and the snow from Heaven, and do not return here, but water the earth, and make it bring forth bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return void. But shall ACCOMPLISH WHAT I PLEASE, and it shall prosper in the thing for WHICH I SENT it.”- Isaiah 55:10-11
Dear friend, do not look around and be taken up with changing times, events, opinions, no matter where we are…
Our Assignment Never Changes...
TO LOVE God with all our heart – Matt 22:37
TO WORSHIP Him in spirit and truth – John 4:23-24
TO SEEK first His Kingdom – Matt 6:33
TO SET our affections on things above – Col 3:1-3
TO SHARE the Gospel – Matt 28:19-20. And conduct our stay upon this earth with Reverence – 1 Peter 1:17, and in a manner of love that shows to others we are belonging to Christ, so different are we in our speech and behavior – John 14:34 -35
Indeed our Focus is to be on the Business of our Fathers House. You see ultimately who goes to the White house is NOT THE issue in Light of Eternity but Who is On the Throne in the Fathers House, whom people from all houses in your neighborhood will one day culminate at His Feet. We need to put as much effort, energy into the Fathers business as some Christians have put into their concern with who is going to the White House. Dear I at this stage interject God is neither republican or democrat. He is not on your side of politics, truth be known there is ungodliness in both parties, God is Holy and Different.
Is it wrong for Christians to be involved in Politics? Certainly not. We are to influence our world as salt and light- Mat 5:13-16 and to Glorify Him in All we do- 1 Cor 10:31. We are to pray for those in authority- 1 Tim 2:1-3; We are to Submit to authority- Rom 13:1-4. But never deceive yourself into thinking the answer for the hearts of people in your house and my house and the hearts of those in the houses in your neighborhood is Political. OTHERWISE JESUS CHRIST DIED IN VAIN.
The answer is not Politics but a Person who alone can save people from their sins– Matt 1:21 and impart life into them and Liberate them and reconcile them to God in a relationship acceptable to Him. – 2 Pet 1:3; John 8:32; 2 Cor 5:17, Rom 5:1.- THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. When we focus more on Politics than we do People we lose sight of our mission. WHICH IS To Know Him and to make Him known to those who have no hope. So what if your candidate wins? It may even be better for the economy of the country… but people will still die and spend eternity in Hell while we have been sidelined by Politics to the neglect of the souls of the Politicians and the people on your job, school, campus, street.
Several years ago it was “Y2K” which captured our attention. It was then followed by the voting in Florida in the presidential election. Year after year there seems to be always something to turn our heads and hearts from what God has placed you and I here to do? How easily we are influenced and swayed from the Eternal.
But even if you are not caught up in changing Political climate I would encourage you whatever your changing circumstances, hold to, worship and rejoice in our God whose Person, Promises, Power, Purposes, Presence, Perspective never change, Meditate on Him, Worship Him for His Immutability and these 6 Realities of that truth in your present circumstance.
What should your response be in the midst of changing times and circumstances? Think and Trust this One who is Unchanging
1. Rejoice in His CONSISTENCY
2. Rest in His SOVEREIGNTY
3. Rely on His SUFFICIENCY
4. Reach out to those who have N0 STABILITY. In the midst of all the talk about politics, what a wonderful way to seize the occupation of the moment to
speak of Him who never changes, never breaks His Promises, who always carry’s out His purposes and no one can thwart them, etc., Turn the TALK of the times into opportunities to declare the UNCHANGING ONE.
5. Remind the brethren of their RESPONSIBILITY. To be about the business of the Father’s House.
In a hundred years time it wont make any difference to you or I who ended up in the White house, but it sure will to those whom you shared with, who by His grace end up in the Father’s House…
When you find yourself more disturbed, agitated, speaking and contemplating the outcome of elections and who goes to the White House more than you do of being grieved, hurt, over the lost condition of souls who will spend eternity in Hell, who live blinded worshipping power, prestige, pornography, self love, materialism rather than worshipping the One they were made by and for- Col 1:16; 2 Tim 3:1-5… you can be sure of one thing… you have lost sight of Eternity….and what really counts, who will be in the Father’s House worshipping Him…
John Wesley, the Evangelist, was walking in the garden of a very wealthy friend, who knew Wesley and looked on what he had given his life to, namely the making known of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, through many toils and struggles, he turned to Wesley and said,” ALL this you could have had.” John Wesley replied “Oh, But THERE’S ANOTHER WORLD.” Wesley’s friend had a TEMPORAL view while Wesley had an ETERNAL View of Life. Which View do you find Dominates you? Which view doe my lie and your life Prove what Dominates us? In the world ..”yes” but not of it.. as Ambassadors of Christ we are to be about our Fathers Business…concerned primarily with the souls of men, hearing of the Greatness and Majestic Christ and His Power to forgive and make new lives ruined by sin and in rebellion to Him whose primary “vote” is to live for themselves rather than Him who alone is worthy of all our Devotion.
Dear brethren, it is good and proper for Christians to be involved in politics, but when the focus is more on Politics than people whom Christ died for then we have a …Perspective problem. Is your perspective Eternal or Earthly bound these days? Do you find yourself enraptured, enraged over what’s happening to “your” candidate?
Do you pray for the “other ” candidate? Do you find yourself slandering him? Or do you genuinely care for the souls of men?
“Lift up your eyes and see the Harvest .. they are ripe for Harvest…” – Who said this?-The Lord Jesus Christ- John 4:35-36