Below are some notes I scribbled down 14 years ago… hope they may be of encouragement to you…

“And Jehoshaphat was ‘AFRAID’ and turned his attention to seek the LORD”

“… we don’t Know what to Do BUT our Eyes are Upon You.”- {Read 2 Chronicles 20:1-15}.


1.-Difficulties should lead us to God.

2.-Fear should be but a springboard to turn our attention towards God-and not paralyze us as though there is NO GOD and HE does not CARE

3.-“We don’t Know what to do…”– An acknowledgement of our own inadequacy… Jehospahat had acknowledges the problem and their own inadequacy, “… we are powerless before this great multitude who are coming against us; nor do we know what to do”-{2 Chron 20:12}. But we should not end there or FOCUS there BUT in confident faith along with Jeshosaphat should end with…

4.-“…BUT our Eyes are Upon YOU.”– An acknowledgement of our DEPENDENCY upon the LORD…. who “works ALL things together for good to those who love Him and are called…” -{Read Rom 8:28}… Including difficult time and times when fear would seek to dominate…and paralyze us emotionally.

In Difficult times…Don’t know what to do?

Follow Jehosaphat’s example and end with the LORD. Too often we end with the problem or looking at our own lack of resource rather than ending the thought, the sentence, the problem with the LORD, and we panic, become scared, yield to anxiety, which left unchecked “will weigh the heart down {depression}-But a good word, a kind word— makes it glad “-{Read Prov 12:25}.

A good word would be God’s Word, His promises, Himself the focus…, a kind word, kindness, …when you don’t know what to do realize and rejoice you are now afforded an opportunity to Look to Him in faith, and SPEAK HIS PROMISE to yourself!!

BEGIN THE SENTENCE WITH THE PROBLEM BY ALL MEANS BUT END THE SENTENCE WITH THE LORD…”BUT OUR EYES ARE UPON YOU.” This is not only your Statement of Faith, but your Security of faith rests in the faithful ONE!

Look to the LORD…”The LORD is trustworthy in all He promises and faithful in All His ways”-Psalm 145:13

TAKE Courage

TURN to the LORD immediately

TRUST the LORD…with yourself, the problem, committing and leaving with Him for He is trustworthy to ALL He promises.

TALK to yourself the truth.

I Have A PROBLEM, “BUT GOD…” is my solution and has a PROMISE for me in this problem!

Don’t continually think on the PROBLEM

DO Continually think on His PERSON and His PROMISES…. and ????PRAISE HIM that you have a Friend to TURN TO when Problems come, and He is adequate And Sufficient… you are not in this Alone! He is with you,

“Our Eyes are Upon You LORD…” –

God Bless,
