When life does not go the way you want. When disappointments and hurt of heart enter. You may have been told by some “well meaning” person or people, “God wont let that happen to you”…or, “God will work it out just the way you want,” and then it doesn’t. Then What? The temptations come to your mind, such as… succumb to despair? Doubt God cares for you,… doubt He loves you? Choose bitterness? Throw in the towel? Accuse Him that He didn‘t come through as your “well meaning” friend say He would? Your “well meaning” friend was that, “well meaning…” but they didn’t speak for Him!

Instead, look at what God does Promise for you, consider FOUR CERTAINTIES for you in those times of difficulties, when your world is or does fall apart, when heartbreak is closer than your breath, when tears are your constant companion, when despair like a dense fog descends upon your mind, dulling your senses, numb, sucks your energy, when all seems loss, when you feel you can’t go on, don’t want to, for you there is a “But God…” “But God..” will meet you in this new painful or perhaps place you have been for a long, long, trial of your faith!

Perhaps its not you, but someone whom you know or will come across. Here are some truths, verses to know, mark in your Bible to be able to tenderly share with the hurting soul…

Look at what God does Promise for His child, those who are “In Christ,” in right relationship with Him through faith in Jesus Chrit. And these are exclusive for those who are in a right relationship with Him!

Consider FOUR CERTAINTIES for you in those times of difficulties!


“By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires. ” -{2 Peter 1:3-4 NLT}.

God has given you the POWER to Respond and Live Godly even when your heart is broken, you have been betrayed, you have THIS PROMISE FROM GOD- YOU CAN RESPOND AND CHOOSE attitudes and act by act to live Godly,

have THIS PROMISE FROM GOD- YOU CAN RESPOND AND CHOOSE attitudes and act by act to Live Godly and honor, glorify Him which is His ultimare goal for you even in these painful. unwanted circumstances, His Name, honored, His kingdom come, His will be done, and it is His will in “…whatever you do, do all for the glory Of God,” even suffering!- We often forget this.- {Read Matt 6:9; 1 Cor10:31}.

It’s not just in the pleasant times we have the power to respond Godly, but in the painful times also!

It’s not self generated power, but the power of the Holy Spirit !- “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.”-{Philippians 2:13 nlt }. And because of His power you can work it out in your difficult, tearful at times circumstances!-{Read Philippians 2:12}

And know, be assured that He has gifted you His magnificent PROMISES to encourage and empower you to live out this life and in doing so express love to Him! -{ Read John 13:35; Phil 2:13; James 1:12}


“No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.”-{1 Cor 10:13}

Sometimes you can “wrongly think” that the Temptation you are facing, that no one else understands or has gone through it. That false feeling and the lie the evil one seekis to inject into your mind so as to embrace it, that you are on your own, and it can be overwhelming, “But God…”

A.- You Are Not The Only One; It’s not Unique to you. It’s not only You. It is “common,” others too have experienced it.

B.- God is Faithful. Faithful to impart you the pathway, power, provision in “THE” specific temptation you encounter He will provide”THE” specific way to be able to endure SO YOU OR I DO NOT HAVE TO SIN WHEN TEMPTED.

C.- He will Provide “The” way of escape for you! The word “escape” was used of an army trapped, surrounded it seemed and seeing a specific opening to escape, exit. God likewise always has “the” specific way for you to escape, so you can “endure” and not yield to sinning against Him.  

Temptation is not your master, you do not have to sin in the temptation, for Christ is your Master and God will, does, provide “the” way out so you do not have to sin but can instead show loyalty and honor Him by doing what is right in His eyes!

PERSPECTIVE– I dont have to yield to Temptation and sin. Why not? I have the POWER and PROMISE of God FROM THIS VERSE to encourage me and enpower me to respond i a God honoring way!


“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. “-{Romans 8:28}.

God is pre-eminent. God is in control over this very “thing” you are in. God reigns. God is working, and that not for your destruction but your “Good.” He will bring “good” out of this. Because He has promised!

Even this very “thing” you are encountering God exclusively guarantees for those who love Him and are the called- He promises He will work it “all” out for good ultimately! “Work together,” is where we get the word “synergy” from. The using all the bits and pieces to one end, bringing them together so that they work for “good,” for the child of God. This promises is exclusive to those who “Love God ” and are “the called.” The “good” ultimately is conforming us to the image of Christ-{Rom 8:29} . So whatever you are going through, whatever the “thing” is, He is working “all things” including this thing out for your “good,” because you “Love God” and are “called,” of Him!


“Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He, Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” so that we confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What will man do to me?” -{Hebrews 13:5-6}

When the writer of Hebrews wrote to these people they were suffering, so he was saying in their difficult circumstances they could know “contentment” not by waiting for a change in their circumstances but because of the ever-present triumphant Christ who was present with them in their circumstances!

“Be Content”- The word means “contained,” “enough, adequate, Sufficient,” with the implication Satisfied! The confidence comes from the promise of verse five that He will never leave us … therefore we “confidently”-cheerfully courageously say, based on that certainty – the LORD, the absolute Master, Owner, all-powerful Present One is my “Help.“ The Word means – “upon hearing a cry for help runs to assist the one in distress!” He runs to our aid!

Now HE is the reason for us to live our lives content!

Two Promises of God to build a life of Contentment; it was written to people who were suffering. How beautiful these promises!

The great miracle – was not that they were delivered “from” their circumstances but that they could be content “in” their circumstances!

Two Beautiful Promises of God to build a life of Contentment;

1.- I have the Pleasure of His Company!

”for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.”

2.- I have the Privilege of His Help!

” therefore I don’t need to be afraid of people!… for “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What will man do to me?”

“Contentment,” – Is to be Satisfied with Him and His promises! He is enough, even when our world seems to be falling apart.He has us, He is still in control though it seems to us He is not. But we walk not by sight but by faith in His faithfulness revealed in His Word!

We can say, “I am content!”


When Life Has Or Is Falling Apart.

Promises, in Your Temptations, Time of Difficulties!- 

1.- POWER – God’s Promise of POWER to RESPOND Godly.

2. PERSPECTIVE – and understanding For Your Temptation.

3. PRE-EMIENENCE – Promise of God’s PRE-EMIENCE- God is Working.

4.- PRESENT – God is PRESENT and His PROVISION of Contenment for you.   

Re-read the above verses and outline and maybe cut and paste and place in your Bible or somewhere you can recall for yourself and able to share them with OTHERS in their time of need. There Is Hope in HIS promises for you in times of temptation, and difficulties!



God Himself PROMISES you. 

God Bless,
