Good morning. Jesus is Lord. God is good. His grace is sufficient. He cares for you. Your past is under the blood. Your future is a Person. He is with you presently! He is near the broken-hearted. He heals the broken-hearted. His promises are, “yes, yes!” And He has given us “everything pertaining to life and Godliness….” and imparted ” precious and magnificent promises ” to be appropriated.
Sometimes God shows up in the fire as He did with the Hebrew three youths. He shows up in the midst of the storms as He did at the fourth watch of the night for the disciples in the midst of the violent storms. Sometimes He shows up when His servants are being martyred like Stephen, and does not deliver from the circumstances but delivers them into His presence, which is ultimate desire and delight, “Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.”-{John 17:24.} He does what He pleases when He pleases how He pleases. Whether He delivers from the fire and the storm or chooses to deliver into His presence He is always in control. He is always conscious of what is happening. He always cares!
* Never ever mistake His lack of deliverance as His displeasure upon you!
Joseph was left to linger in prison longer “But God..” Was working in the background preparing him to lead and rescue a nation at a future point as He would elevate him. Jacob said “all these things are against me .” ” But God…” Was working in the background and was going to do something wonderful, bringing back the son Jacob thought was dead into his life and see his son used to deliver them and a nation …
* Never ever mistake what you perceive as the “silence” of God as though He is neither interested in you or working on behalf of your highest good and His glory!
God IS working in the background always circumstancing people, events, circumstances to providentially bring about the meeting of your need.
You and I may not understand all that is happening, you may say, but you can say with confidence “God is working all things together for my good and to those who love Him And are the called …”
As His …
* You love Him
* You are called
* God is working all things including “the thing” you are going through- “for good !”
* The “good” ultimately is conforming you to The image of His Son.
* The “good,” includes safely “delivering” you into His eternal presence!
Above are a few thoughts I scribbled down that I hope encourage you whatever your circumstance today are!
Today some dear soul who reads this may be going through a “difficulty.” It may be the “thing” is lingering and there is no “deliverance” in sight and anxiety seeks to control. Doubts tempt to attack God’s character. But you can arise with His Word “and WE KNOW…” We are not ignorant. We are a people who “KNOW,” not merely something, such as,”all things” including the thing we are going through but ” we KNOW” SOMEONE!
We “KNOW” the ONE who has promised and you ” KNOW.” He “KNOWS” you! As He was to Jacob, Joseph, the scared Disciples, Paul as he was given a “thorn” so HE KNOWS AND LOVES…You!
God bless and encourage you today.
Maybe pause and offer a prayer for those who may read this, or others you know who and are in a difficult place that He would assure them that they would know “all things” including the difficult thing, that He is actively, intimately involved with their lives and working it all for “Good.”
As a dear friend once shared with me during my own chronic illness, “it may not look good. It does not feel “good,” but faith assures us in the end, “all” of it, will work out for “good.” “We KNOW!” Because He assures us in HIS WORD!
1.- SPEAK to yourself these truths from Romans 8:28-29
2. – SHARE- these truths with someone today
3.- CELEBRATE the LORD who promises!
4.- PRAY for Others to be assured by Him in their difficulties and times in the “furnace!” He is working on their behalf and working all things together for good.