SPIRITUAL INFECTION; Just as an infection in the human body can weaken the immune system so too error can infect and effect in the spiritual realm, in the life of the believer. Unfortunately, the way we live can have an influence on others and for the unsuspecting, immature, if they follow your pattern to live by your “feelings,” then instead of being spiritually stable, grounded in the love and truth of God, maturing in their faith, they will be weak, unstable and living a spiritual yo-yo like, up and down constantly all depending on how they “read, view” life through the lens of their “feelings” as their authority, and not His Word!
Paul said “For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know WHOM I have believed and I am convinced that HE is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.”-{2 Tim 1:12}…“Without faith it is impossible to please Him”-{Heb 11:6}. Paul in times of great stress, suffering says he places his faith in a PERSON. And how do we know what He is like? His Word reveals Him, Jesus after His resurrection said, “Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.”-{Luke 24:27}
Faith, reliance, entrusting yourself entirely and exclusively to Him and what He says, is the safe, secure spiritually stabilizer.
For the believer, can and must say -My “assurance” is not in what I “Feel,” or do not “feel,” but in Him and what He declares!
We all live by faith;Some live by faith in their feelings, others live by faith in The Son of God and His Word!
Are you living by feelings or faith in Him and what He says?
THINK RIGHT on Truth, {Read Phil 4:8};
DO RIGHT- the Truth {Read Phil 4:9} and the feelings will follow in their correct order.