MADE IT! I made it through the IV treatment, but not without a bit of excitement. I had some bad side effects and the conversation the nurse had with me, regarding calling an ambulance for me… we took a break from the treatments.. and from exhaustion I slept through most of the last part and that was good… It took a few hours to make it to bed but so glad it is done for another 10-12 days… I have to see a specialist after yesterdays episode, so two more appointments with Dr.’s for something new…. I am so so weary but it is I pray an opportunity to further The Gospel in my circumstances… praying for strength to be able to go, and the right Dr.’s, favor and opportunities… pray I finish strong…. about His business..”Run the race set before you, looking away from all else to Jesus…”-{Heb 12:2} Look at the verse again, isn’t it interesting He says “run the race set before…. YOU…”
We have a tailored race, each of us have to run, we have a lane to run in, we are not called to compare to another’s lane or to desire to be in another lane, but we have been placed in a lane as it is compared to a race and this is not always an easy lane as the word “Race” is where we get our English word “agonize” from! It speaks of focus, determination, concentration and giving all you can, and the way we endure and get through it is by “looking away from all else”, the difficulties, temptations, …to JESUS!
And we are to run this race not by sight, what we see, feel, but by faith in our Faithful Savior, Resurrected LORD who has ascended to the Throne and is there as Sovereign King who empathizes and Intercedes for us… Think on Him,Trust Him, Relate all to Him and derive from Him the power to Run-{Read Phil 2:13, Phil 4:19}
These days I find myself before I open my eyes in pain, praying … so I can get my thoughts on Him and truth before I am overcome by thoughts of pain, and the evil one’s “fiery darts,” of discouragement, anxiety and a host of other destructive emotions to seek to undermine our focus and faith in Him and seeking his kingdom as the priority of our lives! Master your thoughts before they master you!
Often I will attempt to do this by using the alphabet to help me think and help focus my thoughts on an attribute corresponding with each letter to THANK Him for… and though nothing changes what does happen is with thanksgiving
1. -He is GLORIFIED-” Did only one return to GIVE Glory To God?”.. the one leper glorified God by saying…THANK YOU! {Read Luke 17:15-19} and
2. – I am DOING His will, “In everything Give thanks, for THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOU, in Christ…”-{1 Thess 5:18}
GLORIFYING HIM- DOING HIS WILL…” right where you re by saying Thank You!
ALPHABET OF PRAISE… my A-B-C’s of Thanks and Praise…
My prayer to Him as I address Him using parts of the Alphabet TO REMIND ME of Him and His Character may go something like this…
“Lord, You are Affectionate –
Phil 1:8 – “…with the affection of Christ Jesus.”
“Lord You are Beautiful” –
Isaiah 4:2 – “The Lord will be Beautiful and Glorious…”
“Lord, You are Caring,-
1 Peter 5:7 – “…He Cares for you.”
“Lord, You are my Deliverer “-
Psalm 18:19 – “He Delivered me because He delighted in me.”
“Lord, You are Eternal”
John 17:3 – “This is Eternal Life to know Thee the One True God and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent.”
“Lord, You are Faithful”-
1 Cor 1:9 – “God is Faithful who has called you into Fellowship with His Son.”
“Lord, You are Giving,”
Gal 2:20 -“The Son of God Loved me and Gave Himself for me.”
Lord, You are Holy,”
Isaiah 6:3 – “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God…”
“Lord, You are Immutable.”-
Malachi 3:6 – “For I the Lord Do Not Change.”
“Lord, You are Joyful”-
Nehemiah 8:10 – “The Joy of the Lord is your strength.”
“Lord, You are Kind”-
Romans 2:4 – “…the riches of His Kindness…”
“Lord, You are Loyal”-
Hebrews 13:5 – “I will NEVER leave you, nor will I ever Forsake you.”
“Lord You are Merciful” Psalm 145:8 -“The Lord is Gracious and Merciful.”
Lamentations – 3:22-23 -“They are NEW EVERY morning.”
“Lord, You are Near”-
Philippians 4:5 – “The Lord is Near.”
“Lord, You are Omnipotent”-
Revelation 4:8 – ” The Lord God the Almighty.”
“Lord, You are Perfect”-
Matthew 5:48 – “…your Heavenly Father is Perfect.”
“Lord, You are Righteous in all Your ways” –
Psalm 19:8 – “The Precepts of the Lord are Right, rejoicing the heart;…. the commandment of the Lord is Pure enlightening the eyes.”
“Lord, You are my Savior”-
Matthew 1:21 – ” …Jesus, for He shall Save His people from their sins.”
“Lord, You are Truthful”-
John 14:6 – “I Am … the TRUTH…”
“Lord, You are Unwavering”
James 1:17 – “Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is NO Variation, or shifting shadow.”
“Lord, You are Victorious”
2 Corinthians 2:14 -“…leads us in His Triumph in Christ…”
“Lord, You are Wonderful”-
Isaiah 9:6 -“… Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace….”
“Lord, You are Wise”-
1 Corinthians 1:21- “…the Wisdom of God…”
“Lord You are, Xcellent – [My own spelling to suit my praise to Him!]
Psalm 150:2 – “Praise Him for His Mighty Deeds; Praise Him according to His EXCELLENT greatness
“Lord, You are my Alpha and Omega….You are my A-Z… My Beginning and my end.
Revelation 1:8 “I Am the Alpha and the Omega … who IS and WAS and who IS TO COME says the Almighty.”
right where you are by saying Thank You!