You have a New STANDING with God, you just need to grow in your UNDERSTANDING of all you have inherited! {Read Rom 5:1-2; 2 Peter 3:18}.
“ seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. 4 For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust. “-{2 Peter 1:3-4}
As you read through the New Testament and note what you have inherited in the way of Promises! What Promise presently come to mind of of what you have INHERITED? Are you using them? They are not to admired but applied. He died, arose again so you can!
A bit like living in your home in the pitch dark, stumbling along, night after night, from room to room, groping as you try not hit things that the dark has covered, and without using the electricity when you have the power to turn the switch on and use the light that is available to you! Or imagine a soldier in wartime under attack, admiring his weapon, able to tell others about the type of gun it is, its make, capabilities but failing to use it! Crazy… a little like us with His wonderful inheritance of His Promises…Having them at our disposal and not using them as HE desires we should! Living in the dark… failing to use our weapon… not because we do not have the ability OR RESOURCES to, we just don’t! Go figure!
It reminds me of the elderly couple who died in their apartment of malnutrition. When investigators checked their apartment they found two bags of money, …$40,000 stuffed in them… they died needlessly they had the resources at their disposal,but never used them! We often suffer needlessly when we have been given the Promises of God to appropriate!
You just need to grow in the knowledge of HIM and what He has gifted you. Where do we find this? In His Word. What a good verse to pray, ” Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law.”-{Psalm 119:18}.
THANK God for His Grace, of His Son, Promise of Provision to live out the Christ like life!
THINK ON these Verses. Memorize , Meditate upon them. You will find as you meditate upon them word for word, phrase by phrase, sentence by sentence, you will end up memorizing them and the HOLY SPIRIT can recall to you at times of need of HIS PROVISION and PROMISE to you.
Personalize them– place your name or “me” where it says “us.” For this is for…you!
SHARE THIS truth with someone. Perhaps ask them would they like to memorize it with you. That way you can encourage someone in the Word and know something of the INHERITANCE that is theirs “IN CHRIST.,”