“This poor man cried to the LORD and the LORD listened and delivered him out of all his troubles.”-{Psalm 34:6}
Difficulties, we all turn somewhere when they happen! But when we choose to allow them to Turn us to Him, to call out to Him can be Incentives to Pray…{which is faith in Him- which pleases him. Read Hebrews 11:6}… and in them as with the above verse, we can see some of His characteristics and give us reason to be Thankful and “fuel” for our faith, to know Him better in our difficulties! James said to “count it all joy WHEN”{Not “If”- but “When”- they are inevitable} “When…you encounter various trials.” And he gives the reasons in the following verses James 1:2-5… because we “know” what God is doing. He is developing our faith and producing perseverance and maturing us, affording us opportunities to grow in wisdom and in v 12 an opportunity to express “Love to Him,” by obeying The 4 commands in the verses to “count it all joy…” The command to immediately commence rejoicing BECAUSE we “Know,..”-{has to do with an understanding mind}…”Let”… {which speak of submissive will..}.”Ask”- the command to ask for wisdom, because this is our need and He promises He gives wisdom…to all who ask in faith!
The Psalmist in his desperation cry’s out to The Lord in dependence and confidence in Him and finds comfort in His character and testifies that
* He is ABLE. He is not Overcome by “troubles” but had the power to Overcome “all’ the Psalmist troubles, and He did. And He is the same “yesterday, today and forever” to do likewise – “He does whatever Pleases Him,” – {Read Hebrews 13:8; Psalm 135:6}
* He is The LORD!
Personalize it as part of your arsenal of Thanksgiving To Him…
1. – You LISTEN to Me.
2. – You DELIVER {Either “FROM,” or Sustain “IN,” the circumstance with grace, love and power and wisdom}
3. – You Are ABLE
4. – You Are My LORD!
RE-READ The Above 4 Reasons To THANK HIM… and then … THANK HIM!
Got Troubles? Then You Have an Incentive To Pray, Know Him Better, and Give Him THANKS!
Incentive To Pray;
Pray… cry out to Him!