I was thinking this morning on James 1:12 and the Blessing from PERSEVERING in trials…. below are some thoughts…”I am…I Will…I Have …I Can…”
1. “I AM…” – God calls you- “BLESSED”. Presently This is your condition and God’s view of you. Your circumstances do not name you, others may “name” you incorrectly, “Sinner… Lack of Faith…Useless,… Something wrong with them…” innuendo’s and accusations abound,”But God…” steps in, names, and says you are… “Blessed!” – “I AM BLESSED” God calls you “Blessed,” therefore speak to yourself and call yourself ONLY what God calls you. Share this with others who are in the midst of trials but who by God’s grace are persevering, no, not perfect but persevering, they too are known and called by Him…”BLESSED!”
2. “I WILL…”– God Says there is a FUTURE REWARD for you to receive, namely ” THE CROWN OF LIFE.” This indicates that your trials are not an end in themselves “But God..” has something awaiting you beyond these trials…” I WILL RECEIVE…A FUTURE REWARD…!”
3. ” I HAVE…”– God’s PROMISE. God’s Word says… “The Lord has PROMISED “… this is His Name at stake. His reputation and He is faithful. And note this promise is conditional, it is for those “…who love Him.” He knows who you are and that you do love Him and the evidence ? You persevere in trials. And as you persevere by His empowering {Rom 15:5; 2 Peter 1:3} and choosing to continue on following Him be assured you are BLESSED, you do have a Future Reward awaiting you, He says you “Love Him” and … you take strength from Him and His promises amidst your trials and it gives you reason to persevere…
4.”I CAN…”- God Says Your persevering in trials is an evidence you “LOVE HIM”. How often you may have wanted to express your Love to Him and never realized that Trials are a gigantic opportunity to Express Love To Him and as you choose to persevere by His Empowering {Rom 15:5} and keep loving Him and others as you persevere you are expressing Love to Him as you declare with your life He is worthy to continue on seeking to do His will…”I CAN… EXPRESS LOVE TO HIM in these Trials.” You are persevering because you “Love Him.” Loving Him is the greatest motivation to persevere in your trials,and this you do as He enables you to do so -{ Read Rom 15:4-5}
5. God KNOWS those whom He sees in their trials, and who are approved as they pass the test by continuing on amidst the difficulties, obstacles, testings that come and we can take comfort we are not on our own, never misunderstood by Him…as this verse reveals. We always must come back to His Word to “see” from his perspective and what “God says…”
What to remember as you Persevere In trials…
1. I Am – Blessed
2. I Will -Receive A Future Reward ,
3. I Have – God’s Promise… to the one persevering in trials
4. I Can – Express Love To Him. The Trial is an opportunity to do so.
5. Take Comfort… God Knows all about your trials, your perseverance and you have been GIVEN HIS WORD To help shed LIGHT to you, for you on your way and use you to share His Word with others to encourage them to know in their trials what He desires they know from His perspective through HE SAYS, and to keep on going, persevering for His sake!
Here is the verse I have Gleamed these thoughts from…
“Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”-{James 1:12}