I awoke this morning, the first time in years relatively free from pain and more uninterrupted sleep than in years. I saw the Dr yesterday and my body is in worse shape than I thought, the pain excruciating, debilitating…“But God…” with the help of a powerful pain killing injection I was able to get some relief and slept, till early this morning and then the phone rang… more “challenging ” news. With that I tried to praise Him and yet, “the main problem” persisted at the back of my mind which had many problems but one was top of the list… when this verse broke in…
“Ah, Sovereign LORD, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You.” – Jeremiah 32:17.
I looked at my second note for today and someone had posted this verse. So today I will meditate on Him from my sick bed.. the word “Ah,” spoke of someone who was in pain. Jeremiah from his own pain appeals to the Sovereign LORD and thinks upon His creative power and in light of it comes his statement of faith,“…nothing is too hard, too difficult for You.” His unlimited power, His creative power, who created all things, upholds all things with Him- nothing is too hard. Jeremiah teaches us it is possible to worship and trust God while in Pain. Jeremiah teaches us to focus on God. Be specific for Jeremiah in this verse it was in thinking and Trusting in The Sovereign, all reigning LORD, Master, Owner, Creator and His power and concludes- Nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible with Him.
What a wonderful LORD to meditate upon Him today
The “problem” is often not the problem but reveals our problem, which is lack of faith in Him due to lack of focus upon Him.
With the lack of faith, lack of confidence in Him to undertake – anxiety, fears, burdens run rapid in our thinking and trying to figure out how or what to do, to the exclusion of Him. Taking it all upon ourselves as though we are Sovereign LORD. In the Scriptures He compares us to sheep, and sheep unlike horses, donkeys were never built to carry loads. We are to give our loads to Him who cares for us. Cast ALL of your cares upon Him- 1 Peter 5:7 and as we do the evidence of trust is rest in Him. He does as He pleases. -{Psalm 135:6}
The solution is to use our minds to think upon Him and trust Him in knowing He who created all by the power of His Word and upholds all things by that same Power is still Sovereign LORD and He does what He pleases, when He pleases, how He pleases -{See Psalm 135:6}… AND NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH HIM…
“If we would venture more upon the naked promise of God, we should enter a world of wonders to which as yet we are strangers. Let Jeremiah’s place of confidence be ours-nothing is too hard for the God that created the heavens and the earth.”- – CH Spurgeon
Jeremiah teaches us it is possible to Worship God in painful times. GOD IS WORTHY TO BE WORSHIPED – INDEPENDENT OF OUR CIRCUMSTANCES.God had commanded Jeremiah to do something which at the time would seem madness to the “world” around him who would walk by sight and not by faith in a Faithful God. Jeremiah obeyed and the verse above is His testimony to Worship and CONFIDENCE in the One who had commanded and who is “able” to do as He pleases in whom… NOTHING IS TOO DIFFICULT OR HARD FOR HIM.
The issue is not what it looks like to others or even whether it is or isn’t possible for you. BUT is it or isn’t is Possible for God.
One of my “MAIN” physical problems which was way down my list as the first time I was told I could not have a test done in the hospital until Jan 4th!!!! Yesterday my Dr upon hearing the news stopped prayed and asked the LORD if it could be moved up…The Dr thinks this could be at the root of much of my pain and wanted the test done as a matter of urgency… while writing this my phone rang again and it was an administrator telling me this THURSDAY they could do the test….I cant wait to tell the Dr his prayer was heard…. his prayer was…answered…
“Ah, Sovereign LORD, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You.” – {Jeremiah 32:17.}
LORD help us look to you and not the problem. Help us look to You and not our own limitations. LORD help us look to You and not place limitations on You. LORD help us look to You with a heart of faith!