“I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”-{John 10:9-10}
Jesus had healed the blind man in chapter 9, the Pharisees, the religious of that day had excommunicated him, isolated him,{9:34} But Jesus looks him up and says that the Pharisees are thieves and robbers {10:1.} . They are thieves and it is used figuratively to speak of false teachers who present another way of salvation, that is false, untrue, and they are robbing people of the truth, the true way to salvation! Jesus compares Himself to them and He is vastly different! He Begins with the statewment,
“I AM…” –
He states, “I, Even I – and only I- Am the Door.” They would have been familiar with the words, “I AM” as it is used in Exodus 3:14, “I Am who I Am.” It is a statement that God made to Moses when he asked who should he say sent him when he went to Pharaoh. “I AM, WHO I AM” is the statement of great Sovereign Supremacy. He is the Self Existent One, in need of nothing or no one outside of Himself to sustain Him, inform Him, support Him, Provide for Him. He is self Existent, Self Sufficient, Sovereign God, who has always existed, independent of all others but Himself!
He provides three needs we have.
The Need to be Saved, from sin’s penalty, satan’s bondage, God’s wrath and saved to a right standing before God. Jesus is the Door to SALVATION. Jesus is the Door to SECURITY. Jesus is the DOOR to SATISFACTION!
Jesus uses this phrase it is both Personal- who He is, It is Powerful. It reveals His Exclusivity and His Authority. He and He alone is the ENTRANCE into these blessings. Consider His three Provisions…
A “DOOR,” speaks of a means of entrance, exit. It speaks of access. He and He only is “The Door.” Not “a” door as one of many but “THE,” Door. Exclusive. He speaks of the ACCESS and also the exclusivity. There is no other “DOOR,” He says in John 14;6, “I AM THE Way, THE truth, THE Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me.” In Acts 4:12, “There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.”-{Acts 4:12}. “For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity–the man Christ Jesus.”-{1 Timothy 2:5 NLT}. ” For EVERYONE who calls on the Name of the LORD will be saved.”-{Romans 10;13}.
Note the Exclusivity of the LORD Jesus; ONE Way, ONE Name; ONE Mediator, ONE LORD, ONE DOOR! The way is narrow, it is His and only His Way. He is not one of many ways to God, or one of many mediators, be it pope, priest, Mary, pastor, denomination, birthright, nationality, but JESUS CHRIST ALONE. He is the DOOR TO SALVATION! And only HIM! God has made The Way and it is through His Son! Thank God He has made a way of salvation for us!
He alone is the means of ESCAPE, Spiritually Free! Free from sin’s penalty,{Rom 6:23}; Free from Sin’s Power-{Rom 6;14}; one day we will be free from the Presence of Sin {Rev 21:27}; free from satan’s bondage -{Eph 2:1-3}; and Free from God’s wrath,-{Rom 5:9} , He is not only the means of escape but The ENTRANCE into Salvation! Salvation is Through a PERSON! He affords all who come to and Him and through Him Spiritual Freedom!
Note His Promise of provision! “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved,”
Though He is Exclusive,“If ANYONE…enters THROUGH Me,…” His invitation is to “anyone,” there is room for you. This is the glorious hope of the Gospel. There is room for the “chief of sinners,” there is room for the young man who falsely believed there was no grace for him with God, that he had sinned so greatly there was no grace. And then one evening having been taking to a service by his sister heard a message on where sin abounds Grace super abounds!” There was sufficient grace for him to know forgiveness and experience reconciliation and the love of God. There is a “But God…”… Consider these verses,”.. but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more,. “-{Rom 5:20}. God provides. “He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.”-{Psalm 103;12}; “See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are…”-{1 John 3:1}. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, “-{Rom 8:1}
“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. “-{Rom 8:28-29} Jesus Provides for us. He meets a need to be saved, rescued, delivered from spiritual danger.
There is His promise, “…he WILL be saved.” Not,’maybe’ or ‘wish so’ or ‘possibly’ but the certainty, “…will be saved!”
“SAVED.” – “This is a very descriptive word and was used to describe a person who had recovered from a serious illness, one who had survived a war, one who had come safely through a bad storm or someone who had won at court. What is means for us is that we have, in a spiritual sense, done all of the above and now, we are rescued from all harm and danger. This one little word is a glorious declaration of the security we enjoy in the Lord Jesus Christ” – {Alan Carr}
He assures, guarantees salvation to all who enter in through Him, the DOOR to Salvation! Salvation is found not in a building, society, organization, creed, religion, but in a Person, a personal relationship with Him, one Person only – JESUS CHRIST!
He and He alone, He is the DOOR OF SALVATION! Have you entered in? How wonderful is the SAVING SHEPHERD! Free to come and go, to speaks of the fullness of life and spiritual life that is found in Him, freedom to follow Him, for “whom The Son sets free will be free indeed.” Liberated! And as His child experience all the blessings which are “In Christ.”