“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”-{Heb 13:8}

We live in a changing world, but Jesus Christ never changes!

A lot of things all around us change but Jesus Christ doesn’t change. We can change a lot of things but we can’t change Jesus Christ. When Life is hard, difficult, troubles abound and seek to overwhelm. Jesus Christ doesn’t change. When I don’t like what He says and His Word corrects me or I try justify some evil, sin, Jesus Christ doesn’t change! Jesus Christ does not exist to conform to me or you but we exist to be changed by Him. Jesus Christ doesn’t change. When my heart is weary and my mind is tired and my soul is dry, my comfort is Jesus Christ doesn’t change and is able to meet me where I am!

When the evil one condemns and His WORD says there is now no condemnation for me in Christ, it is ever so, because Jesus Christ doesn’t change! When past sins come to mind to dishearten and His Word says  His blood cleanses from all unrighteousness,it is so because, Jesus Christ doesn’t change. No matter what temptation I face I have power to say no to sin and yes to Him according to His Word and it is so because Jesus Christ doesn’t change! What He says is still the same today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow for you, because, Jesus Christ doesn’t change!  He is lovingly consistent, always triumphant, undefeatable,unchanging, eternally so! You can count upon HIM. Build your hope in Him, be confident in Him, because Jesus Christ… He does not change. 

What He promises,He delivers on, for He not only has the loving heart,the power but the integrity to fulfill every last promise He has made. Jesus Christ does not change!  

No matter who or what changes around me, I have an anchor for the soul, Jesus Christ doesn’t change! People come and go in our lives, Jesus Christ doesn’t change. Governments rise and fall, Jesus Christ doesn’t change. Health comes and goes but Jesus Christ doesn’t change. Jobs come and go, but Jesus Christ doesn’t change. Finances come and go, Jesus Christ doesn’t change. People are born and die whom we love, but Jesus Christ doesn’t change.

We know from observation, in this world is one of change, some for good some not, but no matter what, we comfort ourselves and celebrate and are called to trust, rely in… Jesus Christ who does not change!

Do you think on Jesus Christ who doesn’t change?

His sacrifice on your behalf doesn’t change. His intercession for you doesn’t change. His unconditional everlasting love for you doesn’t change. His forgiveness on behalf of you doesn’t change. His power to enable you to live Godly doesn’t change. His Promises for you to use doesn’t change. His commitment and desire for you to spend eternity “with Him”{ John 17:23-24}… doesn’t change. His acceptance of you doesn’t change. His compassion towards you doesn’t change. His delight in you doesn’t change. His eternal security purchased for you doesn’t change. His grace for you doesn’t change. His Holy Spirit gifted to seal you until the day of redemption doesn’t change for you. His mercies which are new for you each morning doesn’t change. His wisdom for you to apply daily in every situation is available for you, doesn’t change!

Whatever changes around you, within you, the changes in your body, health, finances, relationships, know this. Jesus Christ doesn’t change!

Can you add some truths to encourage your own heart to think on and then THANK Him for and TELL others of Him, Jesus Christ who doesn’t change. The older you get in life the more changes you see.

My own great grandfather died when he was 102 years old. I remember being at his funeral. Can you imagine the changes he saw in his life?But despite all the things he saw change, one truth in his years which were the same then as they are today and will be tomorrow to know is, Jesus Christ doesn’t change!

Jesus Christ is eternally reliable, trustworthy because He is eternally Unchanging!

Jesus Christ is the Object of our faith and He is the Subject of our preaching and sharing.

THINK on Him
TELL of Him…Jesus Christ who doesn’t change!

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”-🙂