Over the years I suppose like many a believer I have experienced difficult periods, times of great physical pain, exhaustion due to chronic illness, times of fear, discouragement, depressed. I had a friend in another state who when I often tried to call him would not be able to take my phone call- it would go straight to his voice mail. At times he struggled greatly with depression. In better times we would laugh over what we called “In the cave ministries.” At those times “in the cave ministries” is a very lonely, fearful and dark time, when the evil one convinces us to isolate ourselves- and there he beats God’s people down with thoughts of hopelessness, lies and dejection. The attack is on and for the mind. Consider with me a friend of ours who knew all about “In the cave Ministries” and the God who invades such caves…take hope.
Elijah in the CAVE; The Tenderness of God to a man in a cave.
When Elijah ran from Jezebel, it was at the scene of an unbelievable act of God’s power which he had witnessed; He boldly challenged the worshipers of Baal to call on their “god” – “the god of the rain, and storms,” but he confidently endorsed the living God- that He would show Himself strong and He did. What utter confidence- amazing to me, no hint of hesitation and by dousing the wood with more water, he either was stone mad or he knew something I don’t- He knew God, in a way I don’t. He was fearless and God was faithful. Then at the sound of a threat by the woman Jezebel- He went from fearless and full of faith to fear and he fled, leaving his servant behind -v3. Isn’t it interesting how often when under pressure we leave companions behind! He went further on, placing more distance between him and potential companionship and for a days journey he sojourned on into the wilderness and sat down under “a juniper tree” and he requested for himself that he might die and said ‘” is enough; now O Lord take my life…”v 4. He lay down and slept. An angel awoke him and provided food. He eat, drank and slept. Again an angel awoke him and told him to eat “because the journey is too great for you.” v7. Note, Heaven cares about your condition. He arose and he fled- running forty days and nights. He did not want fellowship- he just continued to flee- to a cave and exhausted he lay down, and told God he was the only one left. He felt sure there was no one else for God but him. He was isolated, devastated, in a state of fear and exhausted. His Loving God would not leave him in that condition for He was and is the Helper of His people. He sought him out, He is seeking you out too. For He loves you.
- – He gave him TRUTH. He told him He had 7,000 others who had not bowed the knee.{isn’t it amazing God knows who and how many and where they live who are faithful to Him. Wherever you may be from a huge city to an outpost in a desert, God knows your testimony to Him and of Him! Take comfort dear friend.} Elijah had believed, meditated and was convinced by a lie- that he was the only one left for God.- His thinking was wrong. For the error of his thinking God – gave him truth. He imparted blessed assurance to him, that God would have 7,000 that have not bowed to Baal. v18. God gave him truth for the lie, the facts over fiction, to meditate on and embolden him.
The Truth of God strengthens the weary and exhausted soul!
- – He gave him REST. He was exhausted from fleeing as a result of faulty thinking, and fatigue from running so long and for such a distance, He was exhausted. There are times when the evil one can drive us to exhaustion when the Godliest thing we can do is to sleep!
I remember when I was younger in the Lord and would rise early to have times of prayer- That was fine until I had traveled great distances the day before and got home early in the morning and then get up a few hours later to pray and by mid-day I was irritable and everyone around me knew it. My wife gently and wisely told me I should stay an extra night after I speak – get some sleep and then come home, In my desire to come home I would drive throughout the night… but then I defeated the purpose by being irritable believing I had to arise at a certain time to meet with God! Sleep is a gift from God and the body needs it. Some people feel great guilt if they miss their “quiet time” and in some cases it becomes a legalistic thing. Like the young athlete who got hurt in practice and he chalked it up to having missed his “quiet time.” His view of GOD was wrong and it carried over. Elijah was exhausted and he needed sleep and God kindly gave it to him. Thank God for sleep. It is His gift of love to you to be able to serve Him better.
- –He gave him NOURISHMENT for his body for sleep alone would not nourish or nurse him back to health. What a kind God He is and must be. When God began to train Elijah of His ways He had him go specifically to a brook and promised – and fulfilled His promise – by having ravens- come and feed him twice a day. He was learning the lesson that God can take the foul of the air- selfish ravens and direct them to a specific location like clockwork to take care of one of His own! But on this occasion it was not left to the ravens but the angel of the Lord. As wonderful as sleep was and as needed as it was in restoring the man- it was not enough. God who made him knew he needed nourishment to strengthen him to enable him to gain new vigor and get him out of that cave and back into action. God knows your need. Truth- Rest- Nourishment. These are all gifts from Him who does love you intensely, passionately. {Read Ephesians 2:4}
Elijah had been involved in a very emotional time- a battle of spiritual proportions. He had seen God do the miraculous. He had put the false prophets to the sword. Then came the news a woman was out to kill him. Fearful thoughts invaded…dominated, and were embraced and acted upon…He had suddenly realized – she would hurt him …kill him. Either, it was time to do what you do in such pressure times – “trust in the Lord” or “lean to your own understanding” and make it happen…and so he fled…what about God who had just done a miraculous work? When at times we yield to thoughts of fear, and they take hold we lose sight of God and His enabling. We forget His Power and His Provision and we make haste- we lean to our own understanding– we fall back on trusting ourselves. We make our own plans and flee, and like Elijah we are often left alone, exhausted, depressed and with a faulty view, sound familiar?
God allowed him to Flee- “But God…” though Elijah was, isolated, fearful, depressed,exhausted and believing a lie – God did not leave him and disown him and leave him to rot in that Cave. God came to him. God came to His wounded friend. He is not stand offish or indifferent, or insensitive, but caring, compassionate and devotedly so. Oh many a time I have been in a “cave of despair” and even there, God can come ever so gently and bring a peril of Truth to my mind and give me rest for my soul or my physical battered body and give me nourishment to sustain and enable me to go again.
“What a mighty God we serve, What a mighty God we serve,. Heaven and earth adore Him. Angels fall before Him what a mighty God we serve.”
I don’t know God’s beloved, what “cave” you may be in- perhaps the “cave of fear,” or the “cave of depression,” or “loneliness,” or “pain.” But the God of Elijah loves you and no “cave” can keep Him out. No “cave” is so dark that the God who loves you will not come in and impart truth for the error that would seek to spiritually blind and bind you. He will come to impart rest for the weariness of your mind and nourishment from His Word for your soul. God cares for you and God is coming into your “cave” to meet you and get you out and use you in the lives of other dear souls who know the fears of “caves of despair and hopelessness and bondage.” Help is on the Way- Jesus Christ your Redeemer!
One blessing of “In the Cave Ministries?” -in the darkness of the soul is God comes and shows His love to you and meets you where you have felt you are beyond being met and in turn God uses you to come along other dear souls who too are familiar with “In the cave ministries” and God will tenderize you and fill you not with contempt but compassion for His hurting and wounded people, and minister comfort to them and gently lead them out.
Refresh your mind with these three truths from Elijah’s journey of “In the cave ministries” as I often like to call those experiences.
No “cave” is so dark, so distant, that God can’t and won’t invade for you, His beloved! Be it a “cave of fear, or depression, despondency, anxiety, loneliness or pain of any or all sorts.” No “cave” can separate you from His love for you.
God is in the cave…with you …you are not alone, though you may “feel” so, and the evil one would whisper his lies to you. God is present with you and He is for you! He’s going to bring you out victoriously, so tenderly because it is who He is and you are the apple of His eye, His beloved!