There is a story told about an elderly couple who died in their apartment. Investigators found forty thousand dollars in two paper bags that were hidden in the closet! They died of malnutrition. They failed to use the resources at their disposal. They died needlessly. God has given us promises, precious and magnificent promises to be appropriated. We can read them, know what they mean and yet fail to use them and we are spiritually weak while at our disposal are the promises of God!
God says what He means…only what He means… and Means what He says. And Always DOES AS HE Says! He keeps All His Promises!
“Blessed be the Lord, who has given Rest to His people Israel, ACCORDING TO ALL THAT HE PROMISED, not one word has FAILED of ALL His GOOD PROMISE Through which He promised through His servant Moses.” -{I Kings 8:56.}
“For by these He has GRANTED TO US PRECIOUS AND MAGNIFICENT PROMISES, IN ORDER THAT by them you might become partakers of the Divine Nature.” – {2 Peter 1:3-4}
“For as many as may be the PROMISES OF GOD, in Him are YES; wherefore also by HIM is our amen to the Glory of God.”- {2 Cor 1:20}
“..These words are Faithful and True.” – {Rev 22:6} –
“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith…” -{Rom 4:19-21}
“Faithful is He who Promised who shall also Do it.” – 1 Thess 5:24
There is Promise of Rest for the WEARY –{Matt 11:28-30}
There is Promise of Peace for the WORRIER- {Phil 4:6-8}
There is Promise of Reward for the WORKER- {Matt 25:33}
There is Promise of WISDOM for those who ask in faith – {James 1:5-6}
There is Promise of Reward for LOVING YOUR ENEMIES – {Luke 6:35}
In the Scriptures, We read of …
- The Promise of a Savior- {Matt 1:21};The Promise of Forgiveness – {Matt 1:21}; The promise of Salvation – {Phil 1:29}; The Promise of the Holy Spirit – {John 14;16; Acts 2;38.}; The Promise of Joy- {John 15:11}; The Promise of all that is needed to live to glorify Him- {2 Pet 1:3}; The Promise of needs to be met – {Phil 4:19}; The Promise of Peace – {Phil 4:8};The Promise of Rest for the soul- {Matt 11:28};The Promise of Justification with God- {Rom 5:1}; The Promise of Fellowship with God – {1 John 1:3}.
“For as many as may be THE PROMISES OF GOD, in Him they are YES; wherefore also by Him is our Amen to the Glory of God through us.” – {2 Cor 1:20}
THE FRUIT OF BELIEVING THE PROMISES OF GOD; *BELIEVERS ARE STRENGTHENED – AND IN BELIEVING THEM GOD IS GLORIFIED; -“Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was STRENGTHENED IN HIS FAITH and GAVE GLORY TO GOD, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.”- {Rom 4:19-21}
God gives promises, God is faithful to Keep His promises, He has never failed to keep one yet- and He will not start with you! – That’s good news!
TRUST HIM- And in doing so GLORIFY HIM THIS DAY! Don’t be as the elderly couple who failed to use the resources at their disposal.
God has His Book and it is full of HIS PROMISES. He gives them to be used!
And That is HIS PROMISE!