“Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’”-{Isaiah 41:10}
How Do You overcome the debilitating emotion of fear when facing a tough situation when fear seeks to master you and dominate and distract you from The Lord, and doing the right thing? How do you overcome fear and instead have peace? Consider…
GOD INTRODUCES Himself in this chapter as
When He presents Himself, those who are in rebellion to Him, who have created “god’s” of their own imagination, in whom they have made with their own hands, in whom they can control ultimately in whom they have trusted in are exposed. He calls all the nations, “the islands” are the countries further-est away, none are too far away or beyond His jurisdiction from His call to accountability into as it were the courtroom before Him, the Judge to hear His Divine Judgment. The rebellious nations, try and encourage each other to “BE STRONG,” and everything is “ok,”- “it is good!” But it is not! And they have no solid foundation to base their optimism on! They have build their foundation on “sand!” Indeed, they have to “nail down the idol so it will not topple.” They have to support the “god,” who is supposed to support them! How crazy is that, but sin is crazy! It is deceptive, idolatrous! We look for support and deliverance and help from the “one” we have created with our own mind and in this case hands, and it cannot! We read of their predicament…
“The islands have seen it and fear; the ends of the earth tremble. They approach and come forward;they help each other and say to their companions, “Be strong!” The metalworker encourages the goldsmith, and the one who smooths with the hammer spurs on the one who strikes the anvil. One says of the welding, “It is good.” The other “nails down the idol so it will not topple.”-{ v5-7}. They have to uphold up their idol from falling over while God upholds His people!-{ v10}.
When He presents Himself for who He is, the rebellious try “comfort, encourage” each other with words, false hope, “Be strong,” they say, yet have nothing or no one to draw true strength from, or to support them. They say “it is good,” when it is not. They “nail down the idol so it will not topple,” surely at that stage it it time to realize “if we have to prop up our “god,” then we have the wrong “god!” “…But no…such is the grip sin has and it’s blindness and deception it holds people in…whole nations near and far! What great motivation this is for evangelism, for a people sit in spiritual darkness, and the true God is displaced and therefore not worshiped for who He is…GOD! God introduces Himself and Confronts the rebellious ad at the same time Comforts His people with Hope from some precious promises.
But to His own He offers true encouragement, hope, promises, and in light of who He is and presents Himself as.
He Gives Two Commands; “Fear Not,” and “Do Not Be Dismayed.”
Fear is willing to put others in harms way to protect oneself; Fear can make cowards out of us all-{Gen 20:1-5}; Fear can lead to Hypocrisy.-{Gal 2:11-13}; Fear Can Discourage others {Numbers 13:31-33; 14:1}; Fear tempts to discouragement,in order to quit doing God’s will -{Neh 6:9}; Fear used of the enemies of the Gospel to seek to intimidate them to stop preaching the Gospel– {Acts 4:21}; Fear seeks to turn us inward and away from seeking first the Kingdom of God. -{Luke 12:4,7,31}; Jesus tells them He will provide for them, to trust Him, indeed He says, “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”- {Luke 12;32}; In times of fear we often forget His Kingdom, forget Him, His promises and doubt His care for us and need to be reminded. Joshua was warned against the two prong attack of the evil one as he was about to lead God’s people, namely fear and discouragement, and God told him to “be strong and be courageous, do not fear , do not be dismayed,” and the motivation and assurance from the LORD Himself was that He would be with him wherever he went! -{Joshua 1;9}, He is called to Courageous faith in Him in the midst of conflict he would face, as are you and me. God supplies, Himself, for us when we are tempted to fear and dismay with these Five Pillars of Courage to encourage and Empower us!
We are called to live a life of faith, not to live a life of fears!
The word,” Dismayed,”means, ” “to see, to look”; and then to look about as one does in a state of alarm, or danger. The sense here is, that they should be calm, and under no apprehension from their foes.“-{Albert Barnes}… Some translation use the word “anxiously,” Do not anxiously look around you,at one another in dismay” {JFB} as those who do not have a personal relationship with Him do! When God gives Commands He has reasons to and makes provision why we need not. He gives them these commands because He cares for them and is intimately concerned for them. How tender and loving is He. He is not afar off but near us, and the things that frighten and alarm us, concerns Him. He knows all about them and comes to comfort us as He did to the people in whom He addressed Isaiah 41;10 to, because He cares! He assures them of HIS CHOICE OF THEM,“But you, Israel, my servant,
Jacob, whom I have chosen,
you descendants of Abraham My friend,
I took you from the ends of the earth,
from its farthest corners I called you.
I said, ‘You are My servant’;
I have chosen you and have not rejected you.” -{Isaiah 41:8-9}.
Note the word, “FOR” {v10} which give the reason, the explanation why not to be afraid and why not to be dismayed, alarmed, anxious,is laid out…
“FOR…” –
1. – ” I AM …WITH…YOU.”
2. – ” I AM…YOUR GOD.”
4. – ” YES,..I WILL…HELP…YOU…”
5. – ” I WILL…UPHOLD YOU…WITH MY RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND.” The Phrase, “My Righteous Right Hand” – “The phrase is a Hebrew mode of expression, meaning that God‘s hand was faithful, that it might be relied on, and would secure them.”-{Albert Barnes}, What an amazing thing that GOD would speak to us. It shows His care and love, that He would take time to instruct and reveal Himself to us. Here He is speaking to these people in their difficulties…of GOD’S COMMITMENT AND GOD’S COMFORT….
“I Am With you.” – He commands “Do not fear” and we can do so because He promises, “I Am with you.” What a Promise He Gives to them. God the Creator, Deliverer, who originally delivered the people from the bondage of Pharaoh and brought them into the promised land, He gives this promise of His Presence! His Presence is personal, they have a relationship. His Presence is powerful, no one can thwart what He determines. His Presence is perpetual, He is always with them, never abandoning them! Always with them! The assurance and Promise He also gives to you and all His own. – {Read Hebrews 13:5}
“I AM your God.” – He has a personal relationship with them and they with Him. He is their GOD. While the “nations,” have their manufactured “idols,” if you have to prop up your “god,” you can be sure you don’t have the True God! He, the one true and Living God assures His commitment to them. If they were to THINK BACK on their history as a people and recall His dealings of goodness, ‘stones of remembrance’ they would have their faith strengthened as they Focused on His goodness and who He has revealed Himself as!
“I Will Strengthen you.” – God Himself, Creator of the world, upholder of it all, who spoke it into existence, effortlessly, He has committed to them to impart strength to them. What a Promise from the Powerful One! “As your day so shall your strength be.”-{Deut 33:25}. When we are “weary” as in Ephesians 3:13 He imparts inward strengthening by the Power of the Holy Spirit. God provides the strength we need.
“Yes, I Will Help you.” – Who needs help but those who have need and cannot meet it themselves. Again He promises,That he Himself will personally be involved in helping them. He is a very present Help in times of trouble,{Psalm 46:1}. “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”-{Heb 4:14-16}. He is a Personal, Powerful, Kind and loving Helper! Some people can offer help and not be kind or loving, but irritable, unloving when giving their help, not so the LORD!
“I Will Uphold you.” – Another great promise. He will personally sustain them and you. He pledges to be with them and us, as our powerful provider that He is. What great promises to think of in times of difficulties!
While the enemies of God have no true hope or assurance for why they need not fear or be dismayed, for His own they can have courage amidst the conflict, for it is not self motivated, but GOD INSPIRED and IMPARTED COURAGE...and we need to feed our faith with TRUTH, and live by faith in choosing to believe Him. Don’t Trust Your Fears! Fear wants us to trust our FEAR’S as though it is the ultimate and only authority, to exclude God from the circumstance such is the power of the fearful lie to our mind,” But God…”
There are Two Commands, “do not fear” and “do not anxiously look around in dismay” and Five Pillars to be Courageous, to be fearless.
Consider these…
“FEAR NOT…” AND Personalize it by these 5 Promises of God, These 5 Pillars Of Courage to uphold you.
1.God IS With Me.{Now}.
2. God is my God.
3. God Will Strengthen me.
4. God Will Help me.
5. God Will Uphold me.
In light of the Fact He has Revealed Himself as
I need not yield to fear or dismay, anxiety BECAUSE…
1.God IS With Me.{Now}
2. God is my God
3. God Will Strengthen me.
4. God Will Help me.
5. God Will Uphold me.
God assures them, motivates, comforts them, gives them reasons not to yield when tempted to behave as those who have no relationship with Him by choosing to yield to fear or look anxiously around them, – I Am with you. I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you!
He gives 5 Reasons “FOR…” to “Fear NOT,” and “Be not Dismayed.” Speak the truth to yourself… when Fear and Discouragement, anxiety and such seek to gain access to your mind so you embrace the thought and continually think on it to the exclusion of the LORD and allow it to to pull you down emotionally…This little word is full of Hope, “FOR….” He has given 5 reasons in this verse, the word “FOR” is the entrance to understanding why you need not succumb to the temptation to fear and discouragement...”FOR …” He Himself is “WITH YOU… YOUR GOD…WILL STRENGTHEN YOU…WILL HELP YOU,..WILL UPHOLD YOU…!”
Personalize these 5 Promises from God, these 5 PILLARS OF COURAGE to uphold you and enable you not to be captive to irrational fears and dismay when tempted. What makes these 5 PILLARS to base all your trust in and rely upon? It is GOD WHO PROMISES! You are trusting your ALL in Him who says, who PROMISES, who is ABLE to deliver and who keeps His Word, ALL of it, ALL the time! A Promise is only as good as the one who promises and has the ability and integrity to deliver on it. But only ONE can deliver all the time, for He who promises is faithful, He cannot lie, He cannot fail! And in times when fear, dismay, alarm, anxiety would seek to tear at the very fiber of your being to unsettle, destabilize, demoralize you, GOD gives you His Word, His provision…
When God commands us to “fear not” nor “be not dismayed, alarmed, anxious,” He just does not say do not and leave it, creating a void, but He gives a foundation, indeed 5 Pillars to support our faith. How Do You overcome the debilitating emotion of fear when facing a tough situation when fear seeks to master you and dominate and distract you from The Lord, and doing the right thing? How do you overcome fear and instead have peace? By building your faith on the Character of God, His Commands, His Commitment and His Five Promises, Provisions, Pillars, God makes in this verse. His foundation for your faith and these Five Pillars to Support your faith to be free from succumbing to the temptation of the disheartening and debilitating natural emotion of fear and dismay, anxious thoughts and such and instead have peace! God makes a way. He provides truth to enlighten, encourage and His Spirit to empower us – {Read Phil 2:13 NLT}.
When we are tempted with fear and discouragement HE Reminds us of the blessed “FOR…” and FIVE PILLARS OF COURAGE, Promises from God that we need not submit ourselves to fear or discouragement ever again when tempted!
Note He says, “I AM…I AM…I WILL…I WILL…I WILL“- He Guarantees, promises and commits Himself to this!
THINK ON WHAT HE SAYS. MEDITATE on theses Five Reasons.
TRUST HIM! He has never failed to keep His Promises yet and He won’t begin now, with you-He has never failed to KEEP his Word and He will not begin with you… celebrate Him, share Him!
** MEMORIZE, MEDITATE on Isaiah 41:10, word for word, phrase for phrase so you have “Fuel” for your faith to strengthen and establish you, and also so you may help others. Once you hide it in your heart The Holy Spirit can recall it to you. We know that the truth will set us free and it does as we know and apply His Truth. There will be times we are tempted to fear and discouraged, “But God…” makes provision…
THINK ON HIS CHARACTER AND TRUST HIM; It is so important during times of temptation to be overwhelmed with fear, to get your mind on HIM.
” YOU will keep in perfect PEACE ALL who TRUST in YOU, ALL whose THOUGHTS ARE FIXED ON YOU.”-{Isaiah 26:3 NLT}.
Your thoughts have to go somewhere, so to place them on Him and the Holy Spirit will enable you, it is a fight for your mind, “BUT GOD…” shows us how and He will empower and will strengthen us, for He is with us to help us as our God and uphold us! Fear is associated with “little faith,” by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 8:26. So we must feed our faith by THINKING RIGHT about God and TRUSTING Him as a result.
Be Ready to SHARE with others, because all people face times of fear and dismay, it is a tool of the evil one and now you know from this passage how to not only confront but courageously live inspired and empowered by Him!
When we are tempted with fear and discouragement HE Reminds us of the blessed “FOR…” and FIVE PILLARS OF COURAGE HE PROMISES that we need not submit ourselves to fear or discouragement ever again when tempted! Build your faith on these FIVE Pillars of Truth, His Promises to meet us! And Because of Who it is who Promises,
Therefore He says to us, “Do Not Fear, or be Dismayed,
I am with you;
for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you
with My righteous right hand.’”
Take Hope in Him!!