Faith …GROWS.
The faith that saves us changes us. If it is not changing you in your thinking, motives, deeds, thought about God and compliance and love For His Word, then you have no reason to believe you have ever been saved, delivered, rescued from the wrath of God, the authority of satan, the power and consequences to sin.
It is not perfection in your living, but a new direction in Whom you are living for!
More the Savior than self!
This new imparted faith is Not Stagnant but Progressive. Like a health baby at birth has an appetite, desires food, milk so their is growth. Growth in size, weight, understanding, development into adulthood. There is growth, progression, evidenced. Indeed, go back and look at photos from a year ago, ten years ago twenty, thirty years ago of yourself and see the change!!!
Faith is a living, vibrant trust, reliance upon Him that develops as weight training develops, tones, strengthens the body in the physical realm, so, Faith In The Lord Jesus, through the knowledge and appropriation of His Word Grows the person, changing them from the inside out, how they view life. A “World view,”where the emphasis is on self and the standards, goals of this world are what is pursued and prominent. And there is “God’s View” where God, His Kingdom is what is pursued. Everyone lives in one of these two realms as the overriding pursuit, passion of their thinking and doing! The one you live for shows which realm you are living in! Genuine faith in the Lord Jesus is manifested, evidenced in growth. As an apple tree produces apples, not apricots, so a child of God produces fruit that is manifested through spiritual…growth!
Having been saved by faith, we now are to live by faith in Him. And to grow in our faith, “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;”- {2 Peter 1:5}; “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” “-{2 Peter 3:18}; “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good” – {1 Peter 2:2-3}.