Your faith in the LORD Jesus is under attack. Often through “thoughts,” against the character of God, His trustworthiness. Faith is developed, displayed, on the anvil of life. “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”- {Rom 10:17}. Abraham demonstrated his faith in God, which was a process, but a conclusion he came to, learned over various times, trials that He can be trusted. The battle for the choice of faith in The LORD, is daily for us all. Whom or what will we believe? Whose word is to be trusted?
Why is it so important? Because “without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God.” {Heb 11:6}. Consider the testimony concerning Abraham…
“ yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but GREW STRONG in faith, giving GLORY to God, and BEING FULLY ASSURED that what God had PROMISED, He was ABLE TO PERFORM.”– {Rom 4:19-21}.
Faith is a choice. Choose Him, to believe He is trustworthy, in doing so He is glorified.So the attack on your faith is an opportunity to grow and glorify Him, unbelief, is an attack on His character and His glory!
In these verses we see FOUR things that result from choosing, and it is a choice, choosing to TRUST Him.
1.- Faith Grows Stronger
2.- Faith Glorifies God
3.- Faith Believes in the Promises of God, His Power of God to accomplish His goals
4. -Faith’s Testimony – Is to God. Faith in a PERSON!
These four reasons show why the evil one opposes YOUR faith in God, for it causes God’s people…to mature and focus and rest on Him. It glorifies Him. It believes His promises. He is able, capable to do as He pleases. Faith in Him pleases Him. It Focus’s and points to Him!
Your faith is under attack tempting to seek to turn you away from maturing, glorifying Him, believing His Promises, resting in His power, testifying of God to others!
Faith in God Focus’s on Him and Glorifies Him!
{From the message, “Faith Attacked, Faith Developed, Faith Displayed.”}